Friday, December 30, 2005

Oh Christmas tree, Oh freaking Christmas tree.

Yeah. It's like that.
Actually, I love Christmas. I do. I love the whole season. Sadly however, this year I am sort of glad its over. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. So much for enjoying friends and family. heh.
I have hardly had time to check my email, let alone update the blog.
Yesterday I finally had time to go over to Becky's. We sat around and played games. When it got late we crocheted and watched Pride and Prejudice. Go Colin Firth! Woo!
Mel and I saw the new Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley. I wasn't sure I'd like it, but it was faaaabulous.
I can't remember that guys name who plays Mr. Darcy, but he was great and so was she. I think I am going to buy it when it comes out. Melanie bought me the book for Christmas. I have several books sitting by my bed, but I am not going to start any until the 1st. The primary reason being that I just have too many other things to do at the moment. The second reason however, is that I have to keep up with Joe's insane reading routine in 2006, and I I am stocking up now!
I'll probably be blogging about lots of books in the weeks to come...or at least they'll be mentioned ;)
I love the show 'House.' I can't wait for it to come back on next week. I've gotten a little attached to 'Bones' as well. I didn't think that would happen, but it has grown on me.
My top tv night used to be Thursdays, but it has changed to tuesdays. =)

Okay, sadly, 'she who remains dateless' must yield the computer to her 16 year old sister, so that she can chat with a boy ( who she just went out on a date with ) for the next two or three hours. *sigh*

It's been real fun.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Go to bed spazz.

So, today was Becky day, where I was actually off from both jobs, and she came down from the mountain to hang out for awhile. We pretty much ran around like chickens with our heads cut off; otherwise referred to as Christmas shopping. haha. We were out and about for a long time, so when we came back to my house we were already exhausted.
I told myself I was going to bed early tonight, and I really haven't made it. Grrr at me.

That's alright. I needed to drop a note to a couple of people whom I have not spoken with in some time. It's sometimes hard to keep up with everyone, and things are really crazy now that it is Christmas time.

I am working on this afghan that has to be done by christmas, and let me tell has a loong way to go.

I wanted to update because I hate to get so far behind, but I am so tired I think I might fall over. Amazingly I can still spell, but probably not for long. Typing incapacity is about to set in at any moment. I already can't think clearly.

yuiogyhdbkjdnfkjiabjnaendfbd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K. Bye.

Monday, December 05, 2005


Abby passed away on Friday. The memorial was yesterday. It was warm and light much as one can be.
My favorite story was when Abby decided to spruce up one of her brothers fish by removing it from the tank and placing a hair clip on its dorsal fin. :p
Also how she used to let the cats all sneak in her window. (There are a lot of cats that live in the barn)
What I will remember about her most is her smile. Everytime I came to church, at some point I would find myself sharing a smile with Abby. Usually she was sitting on Maribeth or Miranda's lap at the time, sometimes smiling at me from where she was hanging upside down. That little girl just brightened up my life. You know how there are some people who can smile at you, and you feel it on the inside? That's what it was like with Abby. Everytime she smiled at me, I felt it on the inside.
I'm glad for her sake that God let her go home early.
We are the ones who have to live with sorrow, because we will miss her, but she is in a better place where there is no sorrow. Amen, at least, for that.
Say hi to my sister little Abby.
God bless you Nixon family.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Middle Earth


To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by

Looking For A Miracle...

It's snowing a lot outside. There have been like two hundred accidents in Spokane tonight, which makes me crazy. I mean, there are a lot of people who just slid off the road, and I do feel bad for people that have been in accidents. But there are also a whole bunch of morons on the road who think it is perfectly normal to do 50mph in a blizzard. These days it just makes me crazy to drive in this area. Are people this lame everywhere? Everyone is in such a friggin' hurry to get everywhere. They never think about the potential consequences. Grr. Sorry to sound so people bashey, but it makes me mad. All the innocent people on the road, and some idiot in a spazz to get somewhere messes it up. The snow doesn't scare me, it's the other people on the road. Most people are fine, but you never know when you might run into the few maniacs.

It's just a depressing night all around. I got off the phone with a good friend a little while ago, and things are not looking good for precious little Abby. Tonight the Doctors were basically telling her parents to brace for the worst. They think there is no blood flow going to the brain. I am far more familiar with brain swelling issues and things like that than I would like to be, since it is ultimately what killed my sister. The Doctors are saying there really isn't much more they can do. Tomorrow is pretty much make it or break it day. We are really looking for a miracle here. I know that God can do one. He still does them all the time. Way crazier ones than this. There was a Venezuelan lady on my DTS who contracted some horrible virus and got really really sick. The doctor basically told her husband that she was dead, her body was even cold. She said she saw this light and Jesus spoke to her, and her husband was holding her hand, crying, when he felt her hand start to warm up, he could feel the blood rushing through. She got totally healed. They both wept when they told the story, and that isn't the only one like that that I have heard. So you see, I know it can happen. The problem is...will it? who knows why God does what he does. If he wants little Abby, then he will take her, and we won't know the rhyme or reason. We'll just have to believe that there is one.

It's funny. You always think it won't happen to you, or to anyone you know and love. My church family is pretty close really affects everyone. The thing is, you'd think that once it does happen to you, that it won't be so hard to believe it can anymore. Totally not so. I have put it aside. This is so near to home, and just as unbelievable as my sisters accident.

I can't think about it without nearly bursting into tears. I wish I knew this family better. I've always meant to go up to their house to visit and I never have, and I just feel terrible. My heart is just so with them right now.
That's about all I can say about this right now. I need to get some rest.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Nasty sickness.

It doesn't feel like so many days since I last posted, but then again, I guess I've lost a few with this flu or whatever that I have been having. At least it has mellowed down to snifflies, and most of my voice has come back. I will still be happy tomorrow when I finally have a day off and I can go to bed really early. =) Lovely sleep. Last night I actually slept through the night, which was a nice change from waking up not being able to breathe!!
Speaking of yucky sicknesses, these folks from my church have a little girl who's about six. She had the flu or something, but she started getting really bad on Sunday so they took her to the hospital. Now they found out that she has bacterial meningitis. She still isn't responding to the medicine and last night she coded and they had to restart her heart beat. It is so terrible. She is the most precious little girl, and I can't believe it.

I was planning on writing a lot more right now, but I just realised that I need to get ready for work if I want to get out of here on time.

edit: I never actually heard for sure whether Abby had bacterial meningitis after it was first reported to me. All I know is that she had encephalitis, and that the swelling in her brain wasn't allowing blood flow. Ultimately it was just a very wicked virus that swept through too fast, and did not respond to treatment.

Monday, November 14, 2005


So last week I updated my links. There are probably a couple more that I could add, but I got the ones I wanted for now. I republished and everything and they all showed up, but then today when I looked at my blog, there were no links. So I went back and checked my template and they seemed like they should be okay, so I saved the changes again and republished one more time. Now they are showing up fine again, but Joe's didn't work so I had to go fix it, and now it's all good. I just wonder if its going to stay that way this time. hehe.

Random information:
Popcorn is one of those things I would really hate to live without. I love it microwaved, and I love it from a popper. The thing is, I really love it when it's hot and it really doesn't stay hot for very long. *sigh*
Oh, and I can occassionally be persuaded to eat kettle corn, if I am at the fair, or downtown during fireworks or whatever, when they've just pulled it piping hot out of the kettle. I can't stand it any other way. I prefer my popcorn salty and buttery.
If you've ever seen the movie "First Daughter" with Katie Holmes ( at least, I hope that's the right one) there is this scene in the theatre where Marc Blucas (Riley Finn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame) pours their candy in on top of the popcorn; "sweet and salty" he says.
Blech. That's just wrong.
When I am in a salty food mood, I don't want to pour my chocolate on top! Weirdos. hehe.

Well, that's all the random information I have for today. I've been working on some research for a writing project I want to do, so I ought to get back to it. =)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Open Road

This weekend I took a little trip over to the Seattle side of the state. I needed to give a YWAM ( friend a ride home to Renton. I have some friends who live in Orting, which is just a little bit south of Tacoma. I've been telling them I would visit ever since they bought their house three years ago. I finally made it this weekend. It's amazing that it's taken me so long to get over there. These are really good friends of mine. I guess life just happens.

In any case, I was going to come home Sunday night, but they closed Snoqualmie Pass due to rock slides. I decided to leave Monday morning instead (more daylight), and go down through Vancouver so that I could visit another friend on my way home. Why not! It's not like I get to see these people very often. So I stopped and had lunch with my friend, got caffeinated, and headed down Hwy 84, along the Columbia River Gorge, to come back to the Spokane area.

On my way from Orting to Vancouver I was having lots of crazy ideas. I mean, things that I could do with my time...with my life. I had a lot of interesting conversations this weekend. It was very refreshing. My friends are just so balanced. They are so wise. Sometimes they just help you get things in perspective. So that was great, and then there was the trip itself.
There is just something that happens to me when I am on a road trip. All of the things that don't make sense just sort of clear out of my brain while I am driving. I get recharged. A couple of years ago I drove home from San Diego by myself, and it was great. I had always wanted to take a drive that long by myself. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's nice to have company, but I love to take trips by myself.

While I was with my friend Renee in Vancouver, we had a nice talk about life and what we are doing with it. We laughed at some of the crazy ideas we used to have, and the things that we are trying to stay focused on now. One of the things we talked about is something that has always been a struggle of mine. Basically it revolves around what we are "supposed" to do. What I mean by that is; go to college, get a good job, get married, have 3.4 children, buy a mini-van, bladdy blah blah. None of those things are bad, in fact, that is what most of us do. So, even though I didn't start out wanting to do all of that, I worked really hard at talking myself into it, because, for some lame reason, I just thought I had to.
The problem is, all of our lives don't end up looking the same. We don't all accomplish the same things. I have been obsessed with this idea of accomplishment, as if I have to have that diploma or whatever, to show that I have made something with my life.
So Renee and I just chatted about that. About where we are now and where we think we might be going. It made me think about some things...

The problem with going on a little trip like this is that it stirs up all these things in me that I had thought were dead. It always happens. I always end up questioning myself, and I don't mean in a bad way. It just makes me think...reevaluate.
So I started doing that and it was kind of nice (in a weird sort of way). I had a great drive home during which I felt inspired and recharged.
Unfortunately, I was home for about five minutes before the veil dropped again. Why is that? It's so weird.
Anyway, I am scheming about possible future endeavors. Muhahahaha!!!!
I have some new and crazy ideas up my sleeve for what I might do to make everyone think I will never ever settle down. =) Nice.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Knife of Dreams(MAJOR spoilers!!!)

Joe, I am writing this post just for you....actually, does anyone else even read this journal?! haha!!!
So, Knife of Dreams. Book 11. Wheel of Time. If you don't want to know, you've read too far already!
*happy face*
I loved this book.
In fact, I am pretty sure I squealed with delight on more than one occassion. =)
First major smiley point; Prologue; Galad Damodred kills Eamon Valda and becomes, essentially, the Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. Go relatives of Moiraine! woot!
I was like...did I miss something? Am I going crazy?! Did RJ just bring the Whitecloaks one step closer to actually, oh, I don't know, aligning with someone besides themselves for the last battle??!?! Neat.

First eyepopper; also prologue; Semirhage has just slaughtered the entire royal family in Seandar! That makes Tuon, officially, the Empress of's just that nobody knows it yet! *wide eyes*
(About time we saw something happen with Semirhage, masquerading as Anath)
I love it. =)

The rest are not neccesarily in order. I just want to say that just in case! =P

#1 Moment that made tears come to my eyes; Nynaeve sending Lan off to the blight (ultimately to take back lost Malkier.) YES!!!!! You know the line...My husband, Lan Mandragoran rides to Tarmon Gai'don, does he ride alone? MALKIERI RIDES FOR TARMON GAI'DON!!! Woot! woot! You should see me, sitting there in my bed, crying, shaking my fist, saying all the lines outloud!! haha!!

#1 Moment that made me scream, jump up and down, dance for joy around the room, and holler "I Knew it.....I KNEW IT" ; Thom shows Moiraine's letter to Mat, confirming what we have suspected, that she is not dead, but trapped somewhere most likely in the land of the Aelfinn or Eelfinn.
I have been speculating for sometime that Mat would have to be involved in her rescue, because he is the only one who ever wins at the game of Snakes and Foxes ( though it's by cheating =P)
Also, I've been convinced it had to be through the Tower of Genghi (sp?) which Birgitte pointed out to Perrin in the wolf dream, when she helped him, and which we saw in book two when Rand, Thom and Mat were on Bayle Domon's boat...somewhere near Whitebridge?
I have just BEEN WAITING for some fool to mention the tower, and for those guys to remember that they already KNOW where it is. Sheesh! Catch up fellas!!! I didn't know the letter would be the key, I just wasn't sure how Mat was going to figure out he needed to go there! A whole lotta WOOT!! Moiraine is my favorite character, and nothing ( I mean absolutely nothing) gives me the happy happy joy joy feeling like her impending return.
Besides, the people who thought she was dead drove me crazy. I mean, she is Min's ONLY vision, that EVER would have failed. Min is gonna flip when she finds out....I can't wait!

#1 Finally, can we get on with it now moment; Elayne takes the Andoran throne. The borderlanders just sitting there is driving me batty. They can't move without the houses besieging Caemlyn thinking they are attacking, when all they want is to find Rand. For any resolution, she had to take the darn throne already!

Also good to know, is the Aes Sedai who was killing everyone off in the palace. I mean, for crying out loud, there isn't anyone left alive that can channel besides the windfinders. Seems like it anyway.

#1 *gasp* ; Rand's hand is gone!!! What the...?!?! At least Semirhage is captured, although that doesn't make me feel better. You've seen how our good guys are about letting the Forsaken get away. Moghedien much? At least Asmodean proved to be useful.

Big Yay!!!! Faile is finally saved. I actually like Berelain now, and Galina gets what's coming to her. What a load off! Also, Tuon and Mat are actually married now? Wowza, Prince of Ravens huh? hehe.

Random points:
Less of Cadsuane in this book, which I like because she drives me completely insane, whether Rand needs her or not. She might be right, but I hate stubborn people who act like God's gift. Cadsuane *knows* that Cadsuane knows everything. Can't wait till Moiraine gets thrown back into that mess. Plus, I think her being alive will be good for him. Remember how he always remembers her first, and aches at her name being the top of his "list."
How far have we gone since Elayne got pregnant? Is there a due date for the short people? Enquiring minds want to know.
Who the heck is Messana already? Does anyone know? OBVIOUSLY it is not Elaida, who coincidently also drives me insane =), but it must be a shocker if he is saving it for the last book.
Are Perrin's people EVER going to find out that Maighdin is, in fact, Morgase, the recent queen of Andor?!?! This is also bothering me. A lot. I don't know why.
I also want Perrin to find out who Balwer *was*, but I guess you can't have it all.
I am going to be one of those people having a breakdown when the series ends, over all the things not revealed.
At least I can sleep nights, knowing Moiraine is about to make a star-studded come back. =)

There's too much to cover,these are just some of the more major points, but in general, I loved this book. It was the best book in...I don't even know how many. I don't have as much criticism as Joe anyway, I just love the books, even when they are slow. This book definitely rises above the last few though, in my humble opinion.
I loved the end of book 9, but over all, I just enjoyed this book the most of any I have read in the past few years, and that is saying a lot, since I didn't dislike the others.

It drives me crazy!!!!

My blog that is. I am such a rambler. I write my blog, and my online journal the way I might talk to someone who knew me well. I know that they understand me, at least to a certain I just ramble. Whatever's in my brain I just kind of spew out there. I know that this doesn't always make sense to a random passerby. The funny thing is, I really do hate to be misunderstood, and if I am having a conversation with someone, I will find ways to reword what I am saying in a way that is clearer, or makes more sense. I guess I just blog/journal for myself, so I don't neccesarily really care if it is completely concise. I suppose my friends will confront me if I say something offbase or completely psychotic. =)
Sometimes I go back later and read my journal entries though, and I am like....Girl, you are a freak. lol! Learn to be a little more concise!!! ha! I keep doing it the same way though!! Go figure. =P

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Drive Away! Drive Away!

As long as I can follow my somewhat frequent road trip urges, nobody has to get hurt. =)

I haven't planned an escape for awhile now. Last time I can remember leaving town was when we went to New York and D.C. the first week in May. Oh, I am such a liar. I was in a wedding in July, but that was only three hours away and it wasn't like a vacation, so I don't think it counts. However, I did also spend four days in Montana the first week in August, my bad. =)
So anyway, I am getting that itch again. Hadn't really thought about it until I realised that I might actually get my car back from the mechanic sometime in the fairly near future..
I have some friends in the Seattle area that I keep telling I will visit, but still haven't gotten around to it. I think they bought their house at least two years ago, and I still haven't been up to see it. I love the area, and winter will soon be upon us, so I might as well go before the passes get too frightening. If we get anything like in Colorado, then I guess I should have gone last week!!
There is just no telling with the weather these days. You can't count on it, and who knows what crazy thing might happen anywhere.

Other than my wanderlust, not a lot to say tonight. I haven't really written much lately, which is a little weird for me. Just busy I guess. Starting school and all that. usually I can spend hours in front of the computer, but now it's books an movies, so, oh well! usually I am a news junky too, but not lately. I need a break. I was watching way too much there for awhile...and it just drives you crazy when there's not a lot you can do to help anyone. Send money, yeah, but most of us wish we could do more. I *did* even try to volunteer with the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, but I guess they didn't need anymore volunteers at the moment. That's okay. Not like I really have the money to send myself to New Orleans anyway, let alone Pakistan.
It's alright though. There is a time for all things, and tragedy isn't limited to the people of the Gulf Coast. No use asking for trouble. Often enough it finds us on its own.

Maybe that came out wrong?
I don't know. I have a lot of compassion for the people suffering, and I just know that we could easily be them. Maybe next time we will be. So, why worry about not being able to go help. Who knows, maybe God needs me right here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

To End All Wars/Miracle on the River Kwai

So, I told myself that I was going to start keeping a journal of things I was watching, but since lately its been mostly t.v. shows and old Jimmy Stewart movies, I haven't really felt like following through.
Tonight I watched a movie called "To End All Wars," which is based on the book "Miracle on the River Kwai" by Ernest Gordon. David Cunningham directed this. He is the son of Loren he the son or grandson? I can't remember. In any case, Loren Cunningham is the founder of Youth With A Mission, and ultimately, that is where I learned about this film. When I was in Montana three years ago, there was talk about it being made. So I remember it recently and hunted it down.
It was great.
The movie is set in WWII and it's about a group of POW's who worked on the Berma-Siam railroad, crossing the river Kwai, which was called the railway of death.
It was a little slow...the ending kind of dragged, but not in a way that really detracted, I just kept expecting it to end. If its a little hard to get into in the beginning (there is a lot of narration), it makes up for it later on. It's not super high action or anything, but there is a lot of interesting content. Really about sacrifice and dignity, and cultural differences, etc. Gospel strong. There are really a couple of deeply moving points in the last quarter of this movie. Not bad for David's debut film.
In any case, I wasn't planning on writing reviews in here, but I figured since Joe shares all of his, it can't hurt to throw one in once in awhile!!! Plus, since I just watched it, it was fresh there in my brain. =)
I really need to go to my bed now, where I will be forced to look at French vocabulary, and read Philosophy for an hour before I can give in to sleep.
It might be a long hour....

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Blah blah, bladdy blah blah blah

Joe told me that I should use word verification, so I am. I mean, good advice you might as well take, know what I mean?

I am so tired. I am completely drooping with exhaustion. I've been up really late every night for the past week. Mostly moving, organizing, cleaning.
The worst part of the move is always the end. You know, when you're already tired, and you have all that miscellaneous crap that you have no idea what to do with. Random little boxes and whatnot. Mostly I just want to create a bonfire in front of my mom's house and roast some marshmallows. =) hahaha!!!! GOODBYE MISCELLANEOUS JUNK!!!!!!!!! =P

Last night I didn't get home until 9:30 p.m. I just couldn't take it anymore. I pretended not to see the boxes as I walked through the living room. I sneaked to my comfy bed and had a Smallville marathon with my little sister.
Still stayed up too late.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Current State of Things and a Lack of Faith in Mankind

Yesterday, to add to an already long and difficult day, I got in a car accident.
I swear my car is a magnet for destruction.
I was waiting to turn left onto a busy road, and there was noone at the stop sign opposite me. Traffic was taking forever, and by the time I finally went to turn a girl had pulled up at that other stop sign. The sun was in her face, granted, but I was there when she pulled up, and I don't know how she could have not seen me at some time during her approach. As I pulled out to turn I saw her take off, fast. In a split minute decision, and not wanting to hit her head on, I gunned it and tried to go straight, and get around her before she hit me, but she was going too fast. She slammed into me about where me left rear tire is on my drivers side.
Now, usually in an accident I don't freak out. As long as everyone is okay, the car can be dealt with. This time, already stressed about money and things, I about came unglued. I slammed my fists on my steering wheel and said a few choice words to my nephew and little sister who were also in the car.
By the time I exited the vehicle however, I had restored some dignity, and approached the girl with civility. She apologised, saying that the sun was in her eyes and that she never even saw me. We exchanged personal info. She did not have insurance, of course.

Now, the damage on my car looked real bad. I thought that the rear axle must be messed up; from the way my tire was tilting. Luckily, after my mechanic friend examined it, he told me that these little cars like mine don't always have rear axles that go all the way across. So he thinks he can fix it pretty inexpensively. My car has already become so scratched up as it is, and even if my insurance would cover it, I can't afford the 500$ ded. since I just paid for school. I decided to let Kenny fix it, and not report it.
Here I am, in my naivety, thinking that this girl would be glad. She won't a)get a ticket for having no insurance, b) get a ticket for failing to yield, and c) have to pay as much money out of pocket.
Man do I ever live in a faery tale world.
When I called her she informed me that she had never even seen my turn signal on at all (I thought she didn't see me in the first place?), and that she could hardly afford to put gas in her car, and no way was she going to contribute to my car getting fixed!

You know what? It really isn't costing that much to make my car *go* again, and the money does not upset me. The dishonesty upsets me.
In fact, I can't even tell you how horrible I feel after talking to that conniving little you-know-what! It just makes me sick inside.
Earlier this year, one of my oh-so-lovely neighbors, with his big ass truck, scraped the side of my car with his bumper. I should say *gouged*. Suspiciously my roommate recieved a mark in the exact same place on her car, a day or two earlier!!!!
Unfortunately, noone saw anything, and I can't prove it. I sneaked out in the night and examined his bumber, which just happened to be a little bit scratched with white paint. (My car, coincidently, is white.) Our road is narrow already, and so I guess that trying to get your huge truck off the curb in a drunken stupor, can cause these sorts of oversights.
What was I supposed to do? I hated to go up to their front door and start accusing, telling them how I examined their bumper while they weren't looking!! I decided to let it go. The damage was already done.
It wasn't the damage that bothered me, it was the complete disreguard for someone elses property, combined with the inability to accept responsibility. I understand that accidents happen to everybody. We all have bad days. I am willing to work with someone who can't afford to put gas in their car. In fact, in the case of this latest accident, I would have been willing to eat the cost myself. Now I am pissed. It's one thing for me to do so out of kindness, it's another thing for me to do it because the other person is an asshole!
I do believe that what goes around comes around. So I wonder what I've done to deserve all this?? Being a nice person apparently isn't enough.
Too bad for her though. I am sure she will get it back in the end.

This just reminds me about the state of things in general, and the moral decline that so many people deny is happening in our country. It's sad. We are so spoiled and selfish. I admit, I am not free from guilt. I ought to pray for our nation a lot more than I do. It grieves me so much that I would just rather hide my head under my pillow than deal....but we have to deal. We will deal, one way or another.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Right to Bear Arms.

I know that this is all rambly, and some of it seems to contradict, although I assure it does not. It's my blog though, and I don't usually edit my posts, I just write what I am thinking at the time, so deal.
My little sister is completely freaked out by guns.
Last night my brother brought home a gun..well, he had gotten a new barrel or something, for a gun that my dad had owned for years already. ( I guess we had at least two guns on our property for *years* and I never knew! insane!)
Anyway, she freaked out. At least, she freaked out over the fact that the gun would remain on the property.
Who can blame her really?
She's 16 after all, and what do high school kids know about violence these days but guns? I mean, half of the high schools in America now require you to walk through metal detectors on your way to homeroom. It's not pretty.
My nephew lives with them as well. He is six. My sister (his mother) passed away a little over four years ago now. He spends a lot of time with his dad, who likes to hunt and stuff. Tristan is obsessed with guns.

Now, I am not trying to say that everything about guns is evil. We know, or ought to know, that guns don't kill people, people do. However, I just can't pretend to hide my head in the sand about all the violence and stuff on television these days...and video games? Yeah.
I don't lecture my 30 something friends about playing Halo, because I know that they have already well established belief systems, and I really doubt that they are going to go out and shoot somebody, or play around with guns because "they're cool". However, I don't have the same faith in my six year old nephew.

This day and age he is being raised in is so different even from mine , which wasn't really so very long ago ( I was born in 1976). Every where you look there is sex and violence. Case and point, yesterday I was at my mom's talking to my little sister, and CSI was playing in the background. We are all big Law and Order fans at home, CSI, all that stuff. My mom watches those forensic/court shows. Tristan is in the other room, watching cartoons, but he decides to come for a visit right about the time they are doing one of those close-up-gunshot-to-the-head kinds of scenes.
I just flipped out for a second. This was in the evening, but not late. Maybe around 7? I don't live with small children, so I don't always scrutinze what I watch as carefully as I should, but when I realised that he was watching that, I about came out of my skin. No small child should be seeing that at all. Period.

Kids are so impressionable. Heck, so are we! I mean, just look at how desensitized we've become! Still, it's worse for kids. I don't think that it's bad for Tristan's dad to take him hunting, or for him to teach him how to use a gun. The problem is, I don't think that is measured by safety and value of life. Not because the people around him don't have it, but becuase they don't show it. Everything he sees tells him how cool guns are, how the person with the most victims gets the bonus prize, how the bad guys win. It's a different time than when my grandparents had guns. It worries me for him. Whitney might be freaked out by that gun. She might steer clear of it completely, but what worries me, and assuredly what *really* worries her, is the fact that he does not have the same inclinations. Now, luckily, the gun is not loaded. In fact, there is no ammunition in the house, or anywhere that he could find it. So for now he's safe. but what if once, just once...
Well, I think you get my point.
So, my little sister is freaked out. And for a good reason.
Now for the flip side.

I want to buy a gun.

And I want to know how to use it.

Here's the thing. I don't think that complete ignorance of guns is exactly good either. A healthy fear is okay, but not an uncontrollable one.
I never want to have to shoot anyone. In fact, I am not even sure that I could. At the same time, I would like to be able to show somebody that I mean business if it comes to that. I don't even mean in any kind of situation. I will not carry a gun in my purse. But just look what's happening in New Orleans. What if I found myself in a similar situation?? I am not going to sit there and let some men have a go at a woman, because there is nobody there who can do anything about it. In my emergency preparedness kit, a gun will be included. It may be cliche, but I do agree with the saying; "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." I am not saying that gun companies should be allowed to sell crazy semi-automatic weapons to the public at large, but if I want to have a shotgun in my garage, then that is my prerogative.

It's naive to think that you can outlaw murder by banning guns. You can't. Bad people do bad things. Good people who have lost all reason do bad things. There is a reason why we have the 2nd amendment.
We need to get back to some good old-fashioned values. Things need to change on a very basic level. Our nation has always had guns. We just weren't always as blood starved. If you raise your children in an environment that is satured with a disregard for life, they will absorb a disregard for life. So sure, have a gun, and teach your kids how to use it, teach them safety, but above all, temper that with regard for life & humanity. Moniter how much crap they get to watch, and yeah, that even includes the news. I am not talking about sheltering them so much that they can't live in the world, simply raise them in an environment not bent on desensitizing their mind into a general love of Nazi experiments!
If you think we're far from that you're wrong as well.
Stem cell research anyone?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Caffeine Logic

I am certain that I drank one soda too many today. I am as antsy as I can be sitting here in this swively chair, and every time my phone rings I about come off the hook myself.
The people calling in are the same people that call in everyday, it's just that today rather than being annoyed with a few, every single one is driving me stark raving mad. Luckily, I get to log off in about 15 minutes, and then the running around with no head-life of a chicken-begins. *sigh*
I can't wait to go back to school...Okay, hopefully I will learn my lesson of consuming caffeine before I have to sit for long periods of time, but nevertheless....I feel like my brain is fried from lack of education. In fact, if I catch myself saying something like..."I seen," I am just going to collapse altogether. It seems to be an ailment of certain people I know. Not trying to be all judgmental of people who aren't educated enough to speak properly, just don't want to speak that way myself. =P
And, I confess, that frankly I don't understand why grown up people who speak constantly to other grown educated people, can't correct their messed up speaking patterns. It's weird. then again, I write just like a person who only writes in the land of internet chat jargon, so who am I to speak? This is exactly the reason why I need to go back to school. I *want* someone to correct my grammer! =P

Last night I bought a book; "Screenwriting for Dummies." So, we'll just see how that goes. Never tried my hand at it before, and I am trying to branch out. I need to before I go insane. the inner life of my work cubicle just isn't doing it for me.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Movies and stuff

I've been thinking that I ought to start reviewing books and movies and things, just for the hell of it. I've read a few books this year, and I joined Netflix, and have been watching dvd's like a fiend, so it's not like I wouldn't be able to keep up. I have to confess though, that the last few bazillion dvd's I have watched have been from seasons 1-4 of Angel/the series. Okay, that's only 24 dvd's, but even so. I think I have been a member for like...a month, and I have watched 25 or 26 dvd's. I think that's impressive...or not, depending on how lame you think my life is that I've had time to watch that many. =P
I like to come home and just sit though, and decompress sometimes.

Anyhoo, I don't know if I am going to do it for the ole blog here. I might just do it for myself. Help me keep track of stuff I have watched and read, help my memory to work some more. It's a good writing excercise as well. Plus, I like to write long hand, so I could keep a journal at home. That would be nice.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I've come to a decision.

Something that reminded me of one of the reasons I needed to make this decision, was a blog I happened across yesterday.
You see, I love to write. I may not be spectacular at it, but I love it anyway. You ought to see the stack of journals I keep at home, all filled up with this small handwriting crammed into every square inch of paper. I know that to write well, you have to be willing to be transparent in a lot of ways. The stuff we write has to come from somewhere...and if we are unable to reach down into those places, then the stuff we write is pretty shallow.
Unfortunately, we spend our lives helping each other pound down our feelings...and our creativity. There is no more room for daydreams in the harsh reality of life. Damn that sucks.
I have become expert at pounding, although the results often leave a little more to be desired. My desires and emotions that I have worked hard at killing, tend to resurrect themselves at the most inconvenient times.
Why would I even think of doing such a thing in the first place?!? Why would any of us?!?!? Well, I know that for me, as much as I don't want to fit into the box, I have to make a living. Right now, making a living means; answering the phone, answering the phone, answering the phone. Oh yes, let me count the joys. There's just not a lot of opportunity around here these days though. So, you have to do what you have to do. I can't move just now, and I am not completely sure that I want to. Seattle is nice, but I don't want to be stoned in the street for daring to vote Republican. =P hehe.
So, here's my decision. I am just going to work on being me. That that means is, if I am having a bad day, I am going to write that. If I am having a hilarious day, I am going to write like everything is funny. If I am having a....well, you get it.
I am tired of having to throw in hope and smiles because I am a Christian. Sometimes I get mad at God. Sometimes I hate my life. What good is it doing me to pretend otherwise?? How is it helping me, or anyone else? It isn't. This is what sucks about the church. It isn't always so great and glorious. Everything isn't simple. Everyday isn't filled with smiles, and don't treat me like it has to be. We begin to treat each other like unhappiness, or discontent are a sure sign that we have backslidden and are on a fast track to hell. Well, you know what? I am glad that God is not as fake and shallow as we are. And I am glad that just because the 40 hour work week is the American status quo, doesn't mean that God isn't a little more imaginative.
Saying that doesn't mean that I am not mad at Him, and that we don't have some things to work out. It's just the truth. I know it is, even if I am cranky. Don't get me wrong please...I am not cursing God. He is. I mean, He is God, He is there, He is everywhere, and I believe in Him. I believe His word is true, and that we should live accordingly...
I just don't always do that very well, and I am still working some things out in my mind, and that is okay, because He wants us to follow Him completely, and sometimes the precursor to that is that we rebel a little. We get reminded why we don't want to go the other way.

I want to believe completely. I want to know why I do. I don't want to be swallowed by the church, who will tell me everything I need to know. Sometimes I need to work a few things out on my own.
So I am just working on being real. Who I really am. And this is me today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Well, it sounds like Becky is getting a job in Texas. They are just calling her references and whatnot, but they hit it off really well, and I think it sounds like a sure thing. What is it about Texas that steals my friends away and makes me fly there all the time for weddings?!?! haha.

Anyway, she asked if I want to go with her. She'll live at the camp where she works, but I would be getting my own place, which is okay with me. It would be in the Austin area.
But...I am just not sure how I feel about it. It isn't that I have anything against Texas. I am all for living in a gun-totin' red state. hehe. Still, it's a long way from home, and I would miss my little sister. Part of me is, no, no, I don't wanna! The other part is saying, Please Amanda, just do SOMETHING! Go! Why not?!?!
I tell myself that there isn't really any reason for me to stay here. Really it's just that I can't imagine what kind of job I can move on to here. Everything is the same. I don't live in a booming job kind of community. I can't imagine myself at my current job forever, and the prospect of job hunting again is like a nightmare.
The thing is, I need to go to school. If I move to Austin I am going to have that whole "between states" thing going on, which is not always so good as far as tuition and fees are concerned. Grr.

Anyway, I have no idea what I am going to do.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Sometimes I hate my life.

I know I am just having a bad day, and that in a couple of days I will have completely snapped out of it. Okay, maybe not completely, but mostly. Still, so often there's this lingering dissatisfaction about life. I tell my friends..."No, don't worry, I am fine, I don't mean it to sound so bad." The reality though...sometimes it is that bad.
Today I was reading my friends blog. She's in the peace corp.
When I looked at a picture of her over there, I just saw all of her successes flash before my eyes. And, you know, she's my friend so I am glad for her. I love her and all.
But sometimes I hate her.
Because she's good at all the things I am bad at. She finds opportunities where I find dark, empty rooms. She finds motivation where I find depression and apathy. Arrggg! =P

When I was younger I had this grand plan for my life. When that plan got burnt up like so many wild grasses after the lightening, I still looked ahead brightly. I just made new plans. I branched out in what I had wanted. But all good things crumble into dust. Or at least it often seems so. I used to be an optimist, can you believe it?!
I have just been dissapointed, so. very. many. times.
The funny thing is, I have little patience with people who talk like this, because we all know well enough that life goes on. Just suck it up. Who knows what might be around the bend?! Oh, the irony!

I just feel wasted. Wasted brains that need an education. Wasted heart that needs something to be passionate about. I am always trying to find my niche. Find that something that I am good at, all can get into, find that place where I belong. Sometimes I really wonder if there is such a place.
*sigh* but I am going to keep on keeping on, because that is all we can do. Try to be kind, and serve the people around us. Try to see the silver lining, and not be a person constantly raining on other peoples parades. Look up!
That friendly upbeat person? That's who I used to be. That's who I want to be. I want to say I am strong, and whatever comes I will face it head on, and I will be an overcomer. No matter what kind of nasty lemons life hands me, I will make tasty lemonade. I have lost faith in me though. Too many failures. Too many grievances hidden in my heart.
This uphill battle of mine. *shrug* what can I say? This is how I feel. This is where I am. This is where I usually am.
And I want to belive Him. And I want to know that it could change. But I don't know it. And if I just had whatever it takes to get through it anyway, with the kind of integrity that I want to walk out, then maybe that would be enough...but I find it hard to do sometimes.
"I find it hard to say..that everything is alright..."(LH)

Okay, enough bitching.
I am off for today.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Where are they now?!!

Here is my list of "where are they now's." It's a pretty random list that won't mean anything to anyone else, but that is just fine with me. Aren't I doing this blog for my own entertainment? =)

Person #1) Chris Davlin. (aka Chris2, Curse or Cursy Wursy):
Where the heck are you? Chris is my friend from high school. I have this memory of him singing to me at the piano in the choir room. I also have numerous memories of walks, and talks, and coffees. Life has gone different ways for us, judging from the last time we spoke. ( I think about eight years ago, maybe seven), but I love him still, as if I were there listening to him sing.
*I memorized that poem you wrote in my 11th grade yearbook. That poem meant more to me than anything I ever read in a book.

#2 & #3) Joe Powers & Bill Yen (two guys I met on the way to Olympia)
Okay, so I didn't know them very long, but some people have a profound impact alright?! Joe was the best friend. Well, if you must, best friend with all those oogly googly feelings. =) Bill was big brother (even though we were the same age) We all got along so well. I loved those guys for that time we spent together, and I still think about them once in awhile. Fond memories. Very fond.
*Joe, I think I have a nametag that belongs to you.

#4) Deena Worden (Who I met in Amsterdam)
Deena. I miss ya. One of my fondest memories from my time in Amsterdam, is creeping down to the kitchen at 11:30 p.m. and sitting in the dark drinking tea, and usually eating popcorn, with you and Marcos. What I wouldn't give to be back there right now. I wish I could have transported that nightly occurence home with me. We didn't even hang out tons the rest of the time, but those nightly chats meant a lot to me, and I miss you two. I hope you are well.

#5) Angela Hernandez (was Pfeiffer)
Ang, I swear you have dropped off the face of the earth!!! How hard is it to drop an email once in six months?!?! How many kids do you have now anyway!?!?! =) Where ARE you?!?!
We had some good times. Whenever I see someone drinking Guinness, I think of you and Shawn. hehe. =P

Crap. I gotta go! I guess that's it for my trip down memory lane. forgot I needed to be somewhere! Arrgghhh!
Anyways friends, hope life finds you all well. Bless you.

Life is a Highway.

What the heck happens to people? I mean...where do they go? I think I just happen to live in one of those kinds of cities where everyone leaves and then they don't come back. Okay, wait, they do sometimes come back when they have spouses and little ones, and think this is a nice place to raise the fam. Single people my age are a little harder to come by. hehe. After 22, there is like this 10 year age gap of the missing.
People just seem to fall off the face of the earth. Not that I haven't wandered abroad and all, but now I am here and....where the heck is everyone else?

Anyway. My friends here are all; a) married (with children); b) getting married; c) under the age of 24. Not that any of these things are bad...but surely they are other single people over the age of 24 wandering around out there, who don't have to go home and put the kids to bed, who want to hang out. =) I am all about the friends. Not that I have anything against getting married. I mean, by all means, I am game! There just seems to be this one tiiiinnyy little problem. That's right, no groom. And, while I would like to run into him eventually, I would rather not be out there with my bincochulars looking for what eligible bachelor I can knock over the head and drag home. If it happens, it does. If not, there is more to life.

Speaking of more to life, I am saving my money to take another trip overseas. It's been too long really. One of my best friends lives in London, and I miss her. I'd like to go hang out with her awhile, and spend a week or so in Ireland and Scotland as well. I'll also probably fly to Amsterdam for a weekend at least. I think I still know a couple of people around there. It would be nice to see that city again.
I am taking a trip down memory lane inside my head right now. Every once in awhile I will still wake up from a dream that I am in Amsterdam. Usually it is so real, that I wake up going "No! I don't want to leave!" Of course, in my dreams the people I loved in A'dam are still there with me, so.... such is life.

I am ready to play the "Where are they now?" game.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Glenn Quinn

So, I confess. I am a huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan. I never thought this would happen, but my little sister got me hooked. Now, I am not saying that I agree with everything in that show, and that there is nothing I find morally questionable. However, the truth of it is, Joss Whedon is a brilliant man. It's seriously a fabulous show.
So anyway, I didn't hop on the bandwagon until around season 4, and even then I missed some later episodes. So I ended up buying some of the dvd's. The problem is, I got done with them. And now what do I do? So, I decided that I would have to venture into the Angel series. I should have known I would like it, since, again, Joss is brilliant.
I started watching the show and I just fell in love with Glenn Quinn (Doyle). I am all about the Irishmen. Yay Irish! woo! So anyway, I watched the first season, and then one day I decided to look up Glenn Quinn online, to see if he had any movies out or anything. I discovered that he had passed away in 2002. Died of a drug overdose. That just broke my heart. What a sad freaking world we live in. I lost a sister a little over a year before Glenn died, and my heart just so went out to his family. To lose somebody in such a way....
I really don't know very much about Glenn Quinn. He just seemed to have this positive energy that shone through his work. It still hurts my heart when I see him in those episodes. God bless his family, and may he rest in peace.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Scientology...and stuff

I don't get it. I mean, I don't get what all the fuss is about. Not that I agree with scientology or anything, but I'm not altogether sure that Tom Cruise should be burned at the stake. In any case, if we were into that again, he would definitely not be my first choice. In fact, he wouldn't even show up on my radar. And as for Katie Holmes...she's a big girl. I am all about people not getting mislead, but I doubt that most of these people who are all about "protecting" her, gave a rat's ass about her until she took up with Tom.
Now, if it was your friend, or your sister, or your neighbor who was getting caught up in something that you didn't believe in, by all means, speak up. I doubt the screaming voices of countless strangers, however, are having any major sway on Katie, who is currently living in the "love bubble."
What a crazy world we live in.
On a side note; I *am* going to look into scientology a little more, just so that I can know exactly what's wrong with it from a biblical standpoint.

In other non-important news...
I need a new plant. In fact, I am going to buy one of those more hearty ivy's, so that it can grow like a mad thing and take over my apartment. Easy to take care of. The only plants I have at the moment, are an Aralia (sp?), and a mutant Aloe Vera plant, that has launched at least ten other mini-mutants, and is currently hatching an escape plan. I don't know where it thinks it's going to crawl off to, but there are definitely a few pot scalers working on their get away.
Also, I got a second job. I just figured that a little more cash on the side would be a nice thing. I'd like to finish getting out of debt, go back to school, and buy a house in the next couple of years. So, ya know, resources always a bonus. =)
I really want to buy a bed. You know, a big, nice, cushy, four poster bed all for my very own. Okay, I am torn on the four posters, but you know what I am saying. A nice frame, and some fabulous expensive mattress, comforter, pillow shams......hehe. =)
I have made myself this promise, however, that I can't buy the bed until I am out of debt. *sigh* Grrr. Otherwise I will go and blow 2500$ on a bed, when that would have taken a nice chunk out of what I owe. (And by the way, that's not counting all the frilly bed things that go with it.) So...yeah. No bed for me!

Friday, June 17, 2005

It Takes A Little Time

O.k., just for future information, I do attempt to title my blogs with something that at least relates to what I am writing, even if that connection is one that only I understand. That doesn't always happen though, so deal with it. =)

Today as I was sitting in my cubicle minding my own business, my cube-mate's (there's no dividing wall between he and I, just us and the other crazies) groupie stopped by for a visit. I call her his groupie, only because he has threatened me that she not be called his "at work girlfriend." His "real-life" girlfriend wouldn't take kindly to that, and besides, he has no interest in this girl whatsoever. So, the other day when she was hanging around our shared space, she was asking Mr.Z ( I just decided that's his name now) about some illegal activity she was thinking about participating in. Something dumb. He was, of course, advising her that it was dumb. Today when she came around I just sat and wondered...are all girls this dumb? I mean, she is young, so there's that whole immaturity thing she's got going, but even so..... I just started thinking, do young women learn anything anymore? This is a girl who totes around Christian books and perpetuates the stereotype "hypocrite." I just felt kind of bad for her, because she seems to be so shallow. I wondered if her parents really taught her anything about their morality, or sheltered her so that she didn't even know what choices to make.
I was thinking, geez, when and if I ever have kids of my own, I need to realize that there is going to be an age where they need to be brought in on making family decisions, and the things that we deal with as adults. Otherwise, by the time they get here themselves, they are just asking for trouble. There are a whole lot of people out there just waiting to exploit the naive. *sigh* It's sad, but if you want your kids to win the battle, they need to know what kind of enemy they are looking out for.
On a lighter note, it's Friday. =) That means I get to sleep in tomorrow, and boy do I ever intend on doing so. I refuse to accept any responsibility that will keep me from my bed tomorrow morning. =) So there.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


So this morning, my phone rings and I pick it up (I am at work of course), and it's a dental office on the phone. I take the information I need, and then, right in the middle of talking to the lady, I choke on some imaginary object. Yeah. So here I am, trying not to hack in her ear, trying to be able to breath, and then speak. Poor lady was probably like; "What the heck is going on over there?!" Way to start the day. I got off the call as quickly as possible, and ten hacking minutes later I sort of felt like a breathing human being again. =)

So...I used to play online all the time. Four years ago, when I was a student and working part time, I randomly hopped on this Jennifer Knapp message board. Actually, I guess it was five years ago. I actually ended up there by accident, but made some interesting friends nevertheless. In fact, I have a small group of friends that I still keep in touch with, whom I have known solely online for the past five years. Joe, Steffi, Mahcee. They know who they are! =) Anyway, we used to have a blast with our late night (and early morning) chats. Alas, time marches on, and I was away from the internet for awhile. We still all keep in touch somehow, but I miss the old times. I missed the great community of the world wide web! Sure, there's some sickos out there, but there's also a lot of fabulous and interesting people online.

So, I am working on being BACK! Maybe not as often as I used to be, but you know, here and there at least. I am an information junky, so the computer isn't always a healthy place for me. I can stay online for hours, and not get enough sunlight. hehe. And I LOVE sunlight, so I have to fight the urge. =)
Yay for Paula who posted a comment! See? I am meeting new people already! What fun!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Learning to Blog

Well, since I just posted a comment on someone else's blog, I guess that I should at least make an effort to use my own. I heard that this was easy, and maybe it is, but I am confused and trying to figure it out on my own! =P I need to ask Joe to give me some pointers or something. I'm still using my online journal occassionally at diary-x, but it was time to try something new and so here I am.
Since I am at work and don't have a lot of time before I need to go back to focusing on worky types of things, I am going to forgo deep thought and post one of those lists that everyone is passing about. Might as well get it over with ya know?

50 Things About Me...
1.) I love Maple trees. There is something so glorious about Maple trees, and I love where I live and the streets that are lined with them.
2.) I love U2. Although Bono and I don't always share the same views on Politics, his band still rocks, their music is fab, and it just makes me feel inspired. =)
3.) Tea is the most wonderful drink on earth. If it's hot I prefer it black, if it's iced I prefer it sweet. =)
4.) Contrary to what my mother might think, I do NOT love talking on the phone all day. In fact, I am sick of talking so much at all!
5.) Everyone should have a claw foot bathtub...or another big kind with jets. =)
6.) Swimming is good. Yay for swimming. =)
7.) I love Montana. Maybe I should rephrase that. I love the West side of Montana. I've never been past Billings. However, if you have never been to the Flathead Valley, it is time to take a vacation. There is nothing like taking a quiet walk in the mornings, seeing the mist rising off the lake that is ringed by the most majestic mountains. Unbelievable.
8.) I want to write a book.
9.) I want to go back to Amsterdam and drink cider.
10.) Way too many of my close friends are having twins, so it's a good thing I'm single.
11.) I love talking to people online, but I am very guarded sharing my online journals with most of the people I know in person. Does that say something about the people I know? =(
12.) I wish it was Saturday, raining, and I could drink tea and read a good book right now. =)
13.) I am taking a photography class this summer! Fun!
14.) Being single has it's benefits.
15.) This is the 21st Century. There is no such thing as an old maid.
16.) Go Brett Favre!!!! Woo Hoo!
17.) I have seen Anne of Green Gables about five million times. Even more than Dirty Dancing, and the Sound of Music, and that's a feat, let me tell ya.
18.) French Fries. Yum.
19.) When I went to Washington, D.C. my favorite thing was the Iwo Jima Memorial. (but it was all cool)
20.) I can always think of 50 things to write when I am not writing.
21.) There's just something about the smell of a new book. Ahhh. =)
22.) I love the smell of pine trees. Good thing I live in the "Evergreen" state. =P
23.) I have an uncanny knack for running into blogs of other christians.
24.) I like to go for walks in the park...and lots of other places. =)
25.) I have a 16 year old sister who loves frogs.
26.) I've been listening to the latest Kelly Clarkson cd for like a week now. I ought go back to Shane & Shane.
27.) I wonder if anyone else loves Shane & Shane as much as I do?
28.) former YWAMer
29.) I wish I could sing like Amy Lee.
30.) I wish I could have my English degree by osmosis.
31.) One of my favorite things to do is to drive to Mnt Spokane, past all the wheat fields, preferrably around dusk, just because I feel like it. Maybe listening to a little Tim McGraw?!
32.) I hate forwards. If you want to email me, just do it for God's sake. A few people can be counted on to only send the rare, and genuinely hilarious forward, but usually they are a sever waste of time. No, I will not sign your petition, or pass this on to five of my friends before my dog dies, or my car breaks down.
33.) I am halfway through a Tale of Two Cities, and the Two Towers. A Tale of Two Cities was much more interesting before I started to reread Tolkien. hehe.
34.) I suck at my job. =(
35.) I dream of having a job I don't suck at, that I like. =)
36.) Is it time to go home yet?
37.) I like reading other people's lists. Like the ones everyone sends you through email.
38.) Anyone else like to play in the rain?
39.) Last weekend I bought a book on Constitutional Law. Ahh time for learning.
40.) I want a puppy, but it is totally impractical in my life right now.
41.) If I could I would buy a house and get some equity for crying out loud.
42.) The other day I read this article about John Ryhs-Davies and I thought "Wow, this guy rocks."
43.) My back currently hurts very badly.
44.) Still not time to go home.
45.) time for me to go pick up a bridesmaid dress that I am horribly afraid is not going to fit me now. Grrr. Time for crash dieting.
46.) It's nice to be able to sit on the porch on summer evenings.
47.) I'd like to have a nice home where I could have a lot of barbecues and do a lot of entertaining.
48.) Sometimes it blows my mind how much other people love being "business people."
49.) I need a change of scenery once in awhile. I get bored. Viggo Mortensen says there is no excuse for getting bored. Maybe I need to have more creativity like he does and I wouldn't be bored either. =)
50.) I have successfully completed my second blog post. Cheer for me.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Here we go then.

Well now. Lookit here. I have my very own blog.
That is not to be mistaken with an online journal. Oh no. It's all about the "blog" these days. =)
O-kay, well, I just thought I would try this bandwagon out...join the big wide world of blogging. I'll keep it short and sweet as I am sure I have nothing very interesting to say at the moment, and besides, I am busy doing work type things.
Just thought I'd try it out. =)