Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pathetic Am I :p

Been busy, what can I say?

Work has been overloading my brain! It's nice to have a couple of days off. Last week was also a rough week. Just the reality of being 2000 miles away from home for Christmas. Generally, even when I don't live there, I always go home for Christmas. So, I was feeling pretty emotional a couple of days, and coming up with all of these reasons to move home.
I am feeling much better now.

I think as I get older it gets harder to roam to and fro. Almost all of my friends are married now, and most have kids. Everybody is settled down and I guess I am feeling that pull to be near friends and family.
Anyway, I have probably mentioned this many times before.

For awhile now, most of the time I have been in San Antonio, I have been feeling this constant stretching feeling. Being here, though good, has also been very hard. I have definitely grown. I have felt all along though, that I was supposed to be here. I can't really explain it.
In any case, that is what keeps me here. It would be easier for me to go home and be able to work at Starbucks, which I love even when I hate it. haha!
My new job is going to be boring and tedious, but I am going to do whatever I have to do until I feel released to do the next thing.

There are some things in life that I just do not understand, and my being here is one of them!!!! haha!
It's good though. It's great being only two hours from Becky and being able to drive down and visit sometimes. We have great times.

Merry Christmas to all of you reading this. I hope your Holiday is tremendously blessed. Take time to stop and remember the reason for the season.
Much love coming your way from San Antonio!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Okay, so I have been meaning to post this entry for two days now.
I am not so used to my schedule. It's not a rough one, just different, and I have had plenty to do when I get home lately. By the time I get around to blogging I have been exhausted.
So anyway...
Joe gets the blog title this week for giving me a heads up on the Wheel of Time info. When Robert Jordan died and he didn't rush straight to email to let me know, I gave him a really hard time. hehe. :p
WAHOOO! Harriet has picked a writer for a Memory of Light, which is great news. Althouth I know nothing about this guy, noone could make a better decision than her. It won't be the same, but I know it will be as close as possible.

Possible release date of Fall 2009!!!! I am STOKED about that!! Wooo!

Thanks Joe, for the heads up.
I still check dragonmount, but who knows how many days might have gone by before I visited the site again.

Okay, this is a two part blog.
I asked you guys for blogging topics, and Lara told me that I should blog about what I would personally do if my potential employers were reading my blog.
Hard for me to imagine.

Honestly, the first thing I would probably do would be to change my blog address. lol! I realise that Lara has way too big a fan base to do that, but I don't have that problem. In fact, I could personally email everyone I know of who reads this blog, and direct them to the new place, thereby resolving the issue.
Of course, I really don't WANT to resort to moving my blog. So....hmm.
I guess it depends if I get the job. haha. If this is a job that I want and they have already read my blog...well, what can you do? What's done is done. That doesn't mean that I am feeling comfortable with my boss reading my blog and my not being able to vent about any work related issues, possibly including the fact that one of my supervisors is a snake.
So, if I get the job and keep it, I am moving my blog...or password protecting the entire thing.
If, on the other hand, I interviewed, but they hate me because of my blog or my personality (whatever), or I decide not to take the job for whatever reason...then I really don't care. Read away people!
At that point, they can't affect me professionally, and since I am most likely not going to see them again, or only coincidentally, it isn't that big of a deal.

When it comes to people in my personal sphere though...then I have a tendency to feel exposed or threatened. I like to be in control of what the people surrounding me know about me, as much as is possible. People out's a bit different. Weird huh? I am sure that I am not the only one who feels that way however.

I am thinking of some things to post in response to Jill's suggestion as well. In the meantime, keep 'em comin'!! My brain is way too fried to think up my own topics. Today in training we had about half an hour left and I was ready to get up and run around the room screaming....just to have something else to do. The material is not particularly difficult, it's just taking it all in at once and remembering it!!! Easier said than done.

Wish me luck!

Monday, December 10, 2007


By the way (for the whole three of you that actually read this blog! ha!), I am up for blogging suggestions at the moment. So, if there is a topic or two that you would just love to hear my commentary on, or any questions that you are just dying to ask....feel free.
It could be fun. It could be amusing. It could be revealing!

P.S. One of the big bonuses of not having a kazillion readers and not being THAT incredibly interesting, is that unlike Lara, potential employers do NOT read my blog. I like to keep my anonymity. :p
Go tiny blogging me!

Bloggin' bloggin' bloggin'...

So, Jill asked for an update on my new job. However, since I just started the training today, there is not much I can say about it. Essentially I work for an insurance company, dealing with benefits information, etc etc. Not terribly exciting. In fact, I am going to be bored to tears. I have done these kinds of jobs before and they don't perfectly suit me.
It is, however, a means to an I have said before. Everyone there seems really nice, which is a big bonus.
It may not be the job I have for the next three years, but I will do it for as long as I can without pulling out my hair or someone elses. :p
Actually, I am hoping to save a lot of money the first part of 08. That will be good. So, there are definitely up sides.
And who knows, maybe there is a perfect job up ahead. *shrug*

In any case, I get to wear jeans to work, which is pretty much the highlight of my existence. That's just how I roll. =)
In fact, just in case I die prematurely, perhaps by being stepped on by an elephant, or falling off the roof one day, I would like to say here and now, in writing for all the world to see, that I prefer to be buried in my blue jeans. Ahh yeah baby. ;)

It is cold and foggy in San Antone today and I love it. =) I've been thinking lately about the West coast. Like, I don't care where I live in the future, as long as it is somewhere on the west coast. Things are just so completely different. I don't even care which state it is....Washington, Oregon, California....they are all good options as far as I am concerned. In fact, in Oregon, I wouldn't even have to pump my own gas. :p It's the simple things you know. ha!
Then again, California has In n' Out Burger. ;)'s a toss up, what can I say?

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Ugh and even more Ugh.

It is so not fun when I really want to talk to someone, and they could genuinely care less about talking to me. I suppose they have much better things to do with their time!!
You know, I generally do not waste my time on these sorts of situations. I find things to distract myself until the desire goes away. Unfortunately, that is not really working out this time!! Phoo.

Soo....I dunno. I guess I am just going to have to deal with that feeling. Bleh.

In other news, I have a possible roommate situation with one of my old DTS friends. She is a really great person, but we are both pretty set in our ways and I do have my doubts. It's the best prospect I have however, and if it works out then that will be good.
I start the new job tomorrow so we will see how that goes.
I am not terribly excited about it, but I am prepared to sink my teeth in and do the best job I can. It is a means to an end.
I was looking into some community college classes, but the tuition here for non-residents is out of control. So, for now I am going to focus on other things, and hope to save some money for whatever is ahead. Including my trip to Europe with Becky in the fall! Woo! Still crossing my fingers that is all going to work out ok.

So, things are not looking good with the writer's strike. I was hoping, probably somewhat naively, that the AMPTP would actually negotiate a good contract, rather than trying to screw the writers. Good Lord, it's NOT like those CEO's are not making plenty of money to spread the wealth around. Half of the good tv is now on reruns and the rest is about to follow in the next couple of weeks.
With no end in sight, there is not a lot of hope for the spring.
It's okay for me. I will miss Bones, but I will also have plenty to keep me entertained in the coming months.
Unfortunately, people are so hooked on their tv's these days, they will probably just go out and buy a lot of shows on dvd to last through the strike. Sad, and I hope it doesn't happen, but possibly the case. I wish we could all rally for the writers...just on general principle. Workers deserve to be fairly compensated, but instead many workers just get buy, while CEO's of large corporations get richer and richer all the time.

Fortunately, my mother does not read this blog. If she did, she would tell me that it is all George Bush's fault, that he is the antichrist and is destroying America. I really hate talking politics with my mom. Regardless of my feelings on Bush, I generally just feel a stubborn desire to argue with her. No matter what the topic.
My mom is, however, a member of a union and I am pretty sure that she would stand with the writers on this. I guess that means we agree on something. I still don't want to talk about it. :p

Things are pretty well here in Texas. I have my good days and my bad days as we all do. There isn't really a lot else to say on the matter right now. I still have no idea what I am doing here, but I am just going with it. I am looking at it as an opportunity for growth. =)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Writers and Joss. My Favorite Things.

Somehow in the midst of the writer's strike and my own crazy life here in San Antonio, I am finding the desire to write things taking over and flowing through my veins again. It creeps up on me you know.
Anyway, I do plenty of writing away from this blog.

Today on the United Hollywood website, I read this post by Joss Whedon. Actually, it was originally posted on Whedonesque, which you can also get to by the link on the right hand side of this page.
It brings up a couple of interesting points, especially pertaining to the audacity of the AMPTP.
I am posting it here in its entirety.

Joss Whedon Looks Into A Crystal Ball...

(From WGA Member Joss Whedon, originally posted on Whedonesque)

We're a week away from Mutant Enemy Picket day! Since the AMPTP have generously offered us a thimble of sputum in exchange for everything written ever, I think it's fair to say it won't be a picnic.

And in two weeks, I'll be in Boston, speechifying (look for some long, fancy words, yo) and rallying shoulder to shoulder with, among other people, my dad, who somehow lived through both the '88 strike and my adolescence. Word. (Long fancy.)

And after that? Well, we might take this to the streets of some other cities. Get the word out, remind everyone that corporate greed (it's nothing but) is hurting everyone in this country. Not just because they're robbing people of entertainment (and, on occasion, art) and strangling an entire (non-writing) community, but because they're sending a message to every union in the country: you're next. The actors know that in their case, it's literally true, but it's also true for the concept of a unionized workforce. We get a lot of flack for being well-fed, glamorous, rich and powerful. We've worked hard to dispel that stereotype but in fact, a select few of us are wealthy and influential. And we have the support of some of the most famous and beloved (and wealthy and influential) people in the country: TV and movie stars! So the fact that the studios feel perfectly comfortable SPITTING IN OUR FACES in front of the whole world cannot bode well for any other union that works under them -- or under anyone who sees how easy it is to deny the basic rights of workers even so public as we. This is bad for writers, bad for actors, teamsters, teachers, nurses, dockworkers... the shape of this country is changing. The middle class is being squeezed out. We're trundling back to the middle ages, people, and all we can do is lie there and take it.

But of course, that's not what's going to happen. The studios mean to starve us out. They can't. We know what's at stake. We take care of our own, and those around us who aren't our own. We dig in. And eventually, if after months of deadlock we still can't make an equitable deal, you will start to see real change. Change in the way we entertain you, change in the essential structure of America's most popular export. (Unless it's corn. Is it corn?) The fact is, the studios have been robbing us for twenty years. (Actually, it's been much longer, but the statute of limitations says I should let 'em off easy.) This grotesque insult of a negotiation is the end of an era. It will be remembered as the stupidest move the conglomotainment empires ever made. WE ASKED FOR PRACTICALLY NOTHING. And they...

Something snaps. Something changes. Chaos, meet opportunity. Let them try to starve us out. We won't just survive. We will THRIVE. We're known as a creative community, and those numb f#$%ing frost-giants are about to find out we're a lot more of both than they knew.

If they come back to the table this very Tuesday next with the deal we need (and they won't), the change will still have come. The snap. The thing that broke, that can't be fixed. The eye, still wincing from the light, but finally wide open.

Good going, guys! Way to think it through.