Saturday, July 08, 2006

It's Like That

I'm in such a weird mood this week. I was just commenting to a friend how I feel like something is off, but I can't put my finger on it. A disturbance in the force if you will. I can't seem to shake it off, and it's really starting to bother me.

I volunteered to pick up a graveyard shift next week, and I hate that I did that, because this week my schedule was just mildly messed up, and it was hard for me to sleep. It will take me a couple of days to recover from that. I'm just not the flexible person I used to be. My body is like....RAWR! STOP THAT! I think I need to be on a regular schedule...and maybe eat more broccoli. hehe.

I have very low patience tonight. It's late, my mom went to a dinner with her mom and sisters, and my nephew isn't cooperating with bedtime.
To top it off, I actually finished this blog, but for some reason it didn't all post, and I couldn't retrieve it. So what I needed.
My family and their constant state of bitchy and yelling is starting to wear me down. When you are here for any length of time you have to develop a thick skin, and I don't love it.
Moving in the fall will be a much needed change.

I desperately need to go to bed now and feel a nice breeze wafting in my window. Eight blessed hours of peace and quiet.

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