Thursday, October 19, 2006

The old old days

So today was one of those mornings where I had to get up way..way too early. I worked on some projects when I got home, but eventually succombed to the temptation of the nap. During said nap I had the most odd dream. Okay, well, I guess its not that odd in the great scheme of Amanda's brain, but it was somewhat odd. I dreamed about this guy named Kris from high school who I am pretty sure I haven't talked to since graduation...Okay, it's possible I talked to him after that, but if so, I forget.
These days, its not all that weird to randomly run into somebody from high school (Hi Ryan! Oh, and hi Nickie!) but the dream just seemed very out of the blue. I just dreamed that he came to see me at Starbucks (although I think I was in Spokane at the time), and we had a nice conversation, and he told me that he lived in Renton, and something about commuting, and I told him I lived in Federal Way, and then I had to walk to another building, where we promptly ran into my grandparents. haha. Anyway. That's all the weirdness I have to report.
I know Kris does live on this side of the mountains, but that's about all I know. Not sure what dropped his face into my psychae. *shrug*
I was talking to someone today about Battlestar Galactica, since I have it on the brain. It's kind of hard not to with how many episodes I have watched in the last few days. Plus, I enjoy any geeky connection with people. haha!! It doesn't take much these days to get a sticker on my happy page.

Spokane was good, but I was glad that I got to leave again. I am going to restart the job hunt, which hasn't really been going at all lately. I mostly like my job, but there are a couple of people who seem sent to remind me that I am not a Starbucks lifer.

I know I haven't updated the ole blog here lately. There just hasn't felt like anything to say. Spent a couple of days in Spokane like I mentioned above, and now I am doing a lot of opening shifts. I definitely like opening with some people more than others. It's not like I really genuinely dislike anyone that I work with, but I for sure secretly have my favorites...because they make work workable. =P

Anyway. That's pretty much all I have to say. Maybe the title of this blog should be "Ode to Kris Kanzler" hehe.
Blessings to all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

kANZLER, EH? Sounds familiar, do I know him? Sorry, kids turned on the caps lock. iooiiuytrewq Yeah, they're typing... loiiuytewqqqq eyrfchfv drgt Sorry. I understand the blog thing. When I have inspiration, no time; when I have time, no sinpiration... yea, whatever.