Friday, June 22, 2007

Bye bye Wizzy's!

It's official. I am finally girl-without-wisdom-teeth.
It wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined. I never even had a chance to see the iv in my arm, as I looked away while they were putting it in, and promptly fell asleep afterward. =)
Anyway, I am still on the medicine from the Oral Surgeon, so I am feeling pretty okay, at least despite the fact that my mouth is full of gauze and I just want to guzzle some water now, without drinking half a pint of blood at the same time. I hate that dry mouth feeling. Bleh.
I definitely need popsicles. fer sure. :p
Anyway, much disomfort, but I will live. It's not so bad...we'll just see when the drugs where off. They did give me a prescription for painkillers though, so that oughta fix me right up. =)

Well, I know this was brief, but I am off to find some ice and a good movie. =) Hope all is well out there in bloggyland.


Lara said...

glad to hear it wasn't too bad! i'm wishing you a speedy recovery, because the blogosphere misses you! :)

Big Sis said...

Be sure to pay attention to their instructions about avoiding dry sockets. I hear that sucks.