Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's Hard to Chew a Burger When Your Mouth is All Swolled Up


Okay, so disreguard everything I said in that last post about it "not being so bad." It was horrible.
Okay, Friday and Saturday were a breeze, and I was thinking; "Is this it?" wasn't it.
About 4am Sunday morning I woke up in about the worst pain I have ever been in in my life, medically speaking. Not only my mouth hurt, but my entire jaw was tight and in agony. I had the most excrutiating headache in my temples that I have ever had before. It made me nauseous.
I had to get up and eat something, so that I could take a couple of pills and slip back into blissful sleep (eventually anyway).
Somehow I managed to survive that horrible day, only to face it again on Monday. Except, dear friends, on Monday, my painkillers chose 'such a time as this' to make me incredibly ill, at which time (around noon give or take) I started to throw up, and continued doing so all. day. long. This was despite the fact that I stopped taking absolutely everything the first time. I was still throwing up right before I went to bed around midnight. So much for going back to work THAT day! haha.

Tuesday, my headache was still excrutiating, and it had now been nearly 24 hours with no drugs, and I was afraid to eat anything. Boys and Girls, I HATE to throw up. More than just about anything.
So I laid in my bed as long as possible before finally venturing into the unsafe territory of applesauce. After three hours, despite the fact that I was still wracked with nausea, I hadn't lost it yet, so I decided to graduate up to a bit of oatmeal.
My head was about ready to explode, like those aliens in "Mars Attacks," when they hear Slim Pickins. I wouldn't dare to even take ibuprofen though, because I knew it would never stay where I put it!
Eventually I survived the whole day, and my friend came over last night to take me to the store, where I bought Sprite, fried chicken, and saltines. I know you are thinking why fried chicken?! It eases my stomache, however weird that sounds, and as hard as it was to get down it was worth every bite. Plus, I ate a lot of saltines last night. Eventually, just before bed, my stomache felt about as close to level as I thought it was going to get, so I took some ibuprofen and went to bed.
You will be happy to know I feel much better today.
I still have a headache, but I have been able to take a little ibuprofen to keep it at bay.
My incisions don't really hurt much, they are just annoying, and I have vowed to never take oxycodone again as long as I live.
Aside from the stomache blahs, I also kept seeing flashes from 'The Color Purple' that made no sense and shouldn't have been traumatizing, and feeling like I was trapped in a nightmare that was never going to end. Literally.
It also took two days for my pupils to dialate back to a normal size.

Today at work someone told me they can never take that stuff because it gives them crazy dreams and I was like...AH HA! I did feel a little paranoid as well, I confess. I was having my doubts that my water supply isn't in fact poisoned, and that my dishwashing detergent hasn't slowly been making me ill.

I'm better now. Well, mostly. My stomache is still a tad ruffled, and my mouth isn't working 100% correctly, but I am going to retire early and possibly watch some lame marathon of Miami Ink, or one of those tattoo shows that I love for no apparent reason. This, I am confident, will help me recover. =)
At least I am well enough to even look at my laptop. I was avoiding it for a few days. I was pretty much avoiding everything that included getting out of bed. You'd think I wouldn't want to lay down again, but it's amazing how fighting off pain can make you tired.

So there you have it, Amanda's grand wisdom teeth adventure!!

I'll try to reappear again sometime soon for more hilarity.


Lara said...

wow... that sounds just absolutely awful! i'm glad you're doing a bit better now, and i'll keep hoping for an easy (or at least easier) recovery from here. :)

Big Sis said...

Ahh, now THAT'S the Wisdom Teeth adventure I was expecting (I was just hoping that you'd get by).

The Oxycodone made me dreadfully nauseous, and even at 1/4 dose I was rough.