Sunday, September 02, 2007

Yee Haw!

So, this past week I worked several twelve hour days, and after that went home to pack, sort, and clean out my apartment. My lease was up on Friday.
By the grace of God, and two awesome friends named Brittany and DaLona, I managed to get out of there in time....barely.
Of course, that wasn't without a great deal of hard work and sleep deprivation. I have been a bit zombie-ish of late. This morning I slept in for a long time, and even after I woke up I just laid around and let my mind wander.
It was nice to have some quiet time with my thoughts. =)

It's 4:30 on Sunday and I need to go dig some things out of my car and sort through them, but I really don't want to. My car is currently loaded up with nearly everything I kept from my apartment. It's like I am driving my house around. hahaha. I am staying with my friends that I used to live with until I fly to San Antonio on Saturday (the 8th). I return to Washington on the 11th. If everything goes well while I am there, then I will just turn around and drive back down. Terrifying?? Pretty much.

A couple of days ago I talked to Mary, my friend Daniel's mom, and it made me soooo glad!!! She told me that the guest room was all ready for me, but that she is not cleaning the house because I am family!! lol! She also told me that when I get there I better just make myself at home because I am family!!! =)I was feeling the love!
She told me there are a lot of great churches to choose from nearby, and that she said to her family; "Maybe it takes Amanda moving here to get us to go to church once in awhile!"
Talking to her was great and made me more excited to visit, and less scared to move.
For those of you who are asking yourselves; Why on EARTH is Amanda moving to Texas, I assure you, not even Amanda is completely sure of the answer to that question. hehe. In any case, I am hopeful for the future even if it is frightening. ;)

It's hard enough to move 2000 miles away from the state and weather one loves, so keep your snarky comments to yourself. lol!

Well, there's an update, if a not very exciting one. I'll try to write again before I fly away on Saturday. I'm not promising anything!


**Currently listening to: Anberlin:Never Take Friendship Personal**


Big Sis said...

At least Texas is on the cool-down.

Lara said...

how is that not an exciting update? i think it's exciting, and a bit scary too, as you've already pointed out. much love and hope for the future to you!

Big Sis said...

Hoping your trip is fun, fantastic, and, hmm, flexible? (Trying to think of another good "f" word)... Friendful? Fascinating?