Monday, November 05, 2007

Writers Strike, etc.

Yesterday I was reading a lot of very insightful information on this website:

As you know if you read this blog much at all, I was interested in screenwriting for awhile. Actually, writing specifically for tv, mostly. I think it would rock. I have a few favorite writers, among those the oft mentioned Joss Whedon, and also Jane Espenson, who is linked on the side of this page.
Anyway, I definitely hope the writers get what they deserve.

I think it is pretty sad that they have to fight so hard for what they already deserve. Without them, we would never have the shows we love in the first place.
I wish I lived in New York or L.A. as I would so join them on the picket lines to show my support.

Today I have been doing the job search once again. Oh, and did I mention when I blogged last that I had checked out that church?? I really liked it.
Anyway, things are made difficult by this wretched sense of waiting. Like when you are teaching your dog manners before giving them a treat. "Waaaiiiit...wait for it.....okay now!" Except, I am still waiting for the "okay now" part.

I had a wonderful email from my friend Beth this morning. She is in Philadelphia working with Teach for America. We have been having some great dialogue...interesting comparison of cities.
I think we have taken for granted that the rest of the country is like the west. In fact, it is QUITE different.
I come from Washington...the land of "green." I do mean that in more than one way, but let's focus on the environment if you will. Not even the hard core environmental issues, but just the seemingly simple things like...recycling paper and not using styrafoam? Yeah, Texas....waaaay behind in that class. :p Not to mention the litterers!!! Good Lord!
Of course, Seattle is listed as one of the most educated cities in the nation, and my friend who works in Corpus reminded me that a lot of people here are poorly educated. Those who lack education tend to care less about environmental issues and the like, because they don't really know why they should care, and also because they often lack the financial means to get things started, or to buy more expensive "green" products.
Tis true, 'tis true.
Also, Beth told me that people in Philadelphia know of Seattle. It is recognized as the home of Starbucks, and generally thought to be somewhere in the Midwest!
Interesting information.
I myself am a college dropout who barely got through high school and that astounds me. I don't consider myself to be a well educated person and even so....Wow.

Goodness. This is two posts right in a row! What in the world is going on! Jill, Lara, try not to have a heart attack! :p


Lara said...

my heart! my heart! it can't take the shock!


i'm totally kidding. glad to hear from you, as i said before, and twice in a row is just that much better. :)

Big Sis said...

Seattle? Isn't that where Frasier Crane lives?