Friday, January 11, 2008

Grey's Anatomy...

Someone got me thinking today about some of my favorite show endings.

Last season there was a wonderful episode end of Bones, where they played a song called "Bring on the Wonder," by Susan Enan. The particular version of the song that aired also featured Sarah McLaughlin. I have searched everywhere for that version but can't find it. I did, however, add Susan Enan to my friends list on myspace and was able to listen to another version of the song there.

I am also particularly moved by that Anna Nalick song "Breathe." I know that by now we have all heard it a zillion times, but I never get tired of it. I don't know why. What's funny is that the song ALWAYS makes me think of Grey's Anatomy, because when it first came out it aired on an episode that sticks out in my mind. It was right after the Superbowl so they hyped it up. If you watch the show, you will remember the episode where the guy has a bomb...I forget the exact details of the device, but something homemade...stuck in his chest.
Despite the fact that it was nearly two years ago, I always remember that song on that episode. Crazy.

It just goes to show how much television also impacts music.
Remember when Buffy used to be on, and all these folks (including Michelle Branch and Aimee Mann) were seen playing at the Bronze?

Okay, so music lead me to looking up some clips on YouTube.

I am telling you, there have been a couple of moments on Grey's Anatomy where they have just ripped my heart out and handed it back to me on a platter. Like the episode where Denny dies, and Izzy lies on the floor for a whole day in a big pink prom dress? That is so like grief. I can relate to that episode. This one is my fave though, and I had to post it.
As far as I know, a fan made this video and no big congloms are thereby getting money out of me by putting it on my blog. If that is untrue and I am naive, please somebody tell me and I will take it off until another day. =) This scene is exactly why I love writers. Brilliant...and OH SO WELL executed by Sandra Oh.


Joe said...

It's the ending of Buffy Season 2 that kills me. Buffy's just consigned Angel to hell because the portal (or whatever was open), but she did so right as she knew that his soul was returned. Kendra was murdered by Dru and Principal Snyder just expelled her Buffy. She had a big fight with her mom, and then she's all walking home and walking away with McLachlan's "Full of Grace" playing in the background.


Amanda said...

Oh yes. There have been a couple of Buffy moments actually...

Lara said...

yeah, i've had lots of these experiences with tv shows. there are a number of songs on my itunes that come from episodes of general hospital. i'm just a sucker for musical montages. :-P

Big Sis said...

I downloaded two TV-inspired songs this week.

Unknown said...

If that isn't one of the greatest moments of GA EVER!, then I'm not a rabid crazy fan.
It was the end of Season 2 though (stuck between Derek & Finn) that really had me.