Monday, March 17, 2008


Life is so bizarre and unexplainable.

On Saturday I had the most uncomfortable work day. I don't know why.
I liked all the people I was working with. The store manager kept telling me to do things I already knew, and I wanted to make faces at him. I was feeling terrible and old. This other guy who I worked with almost the entire day was being very quiet, although he did not seem cranky. I tried to engage him in conversation a couple of times, but it was not effective, and it was a pretty slow day which meant that there was a lot of silence.
It felt like ackward silence to me. Pleh.

I haven't been here terribly long, so I don't know everyone super well. That could be part of the issue, just expecting people to behave differently than they do. However, I have worked with this guy quite a lot already and he is generally friendlier and more talkative with me.
It was a lousy day and I was glad to go home.

I was supposed to have lunch with my friend Dave, but he bailed. Actually, he never even called me at all, grr. Other tentative plans fell through as well, so I decided to be charitable and babysit for my brother. I was there until 2a.m. It wasn't a bit surprise, but I was still unhappy about it. I slept in gloriously this morning though.
I am hoping that tomorrow I am going to wake up in a much better mood than I have recently been in.

Oooooohhhhhhh I almost had a heart attack when I checked my gmail inbox tonight as an afterthought, and there was a comment notification from Chris. NO WAY!!! I totally thought it wasn't real at first. lol!

On that note, I am going to crawl into my covers and pray for cheerfulness and a positive outlook for my Monday. Ha. :p

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