Friday, August 25, 2006

Ahhhh Family.

You just gotta love 'em. Yep. I'm sticking with that.
I have escaped from my box filled room for a few minutes. I pretty much got up and started packing right away this morning, before I had even put clothes on I could be seen in. haha. I am now starving since I haven't taken time to eat all day. Unfortunately, I really don't want to take the time to cook anything, so I am just scavenging for snack foods. hehe.

The past couple days have been fairly busy, and it's only getting worse as Monday draws closer. Tonight I am meeting a friend from work when she gets off, and after that I am going to a another friends house for dinner. Who knows when I'll get home, but it will be somewhat late for me, and I have to work at 4:30 in the morning, so I'm going to be tired tomorrow. I get off at 11:45a.m. and I have to run home, change, cash my check, and make a salad for my friends birthday bbq which starts at 2. Lots of people I want to hang out with are going to be there, so that will be nice. Whenever I get home, I will have finished all the laundry I needed to do before it could be packed, and then it will just be the random miscellaneous stuff that is hiding around the house, and whatnot that still needs to be packed. Hopefully, God willing, that will be the end of it, because Sunday I am meeting Christian to go over Bible study stuff, and after that I have a bbq at my granparents that will take the rest of the day.
I won't even go into Monday...all that matter is that sometime during the course of that 24 hours I will land in Federal Way. After that....who knows! I should be able to update my blog fairly regularly, but things are still a little up in the air. I need to go in on Tuesday and talk to my new manager, and then I am still going to be looking for another job so....yeah. Welcome to my crazy life.

It's going to be good though.
Despite the hectiness I am not stressed out. Amen for that.
I am, however, really sick of blogging about packing, etc. etc.
Lately everything has boiled down to this boring drivel. Ugh.

Here's to next week, and new things to write about!!!! =)

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