Monday, June 04, 2007

Thirty-One Flavors (and then some)

Sorry I have been so bad about updating.
I find that lately, either I have nothing to say, or I just don't want to talk about the things I wish I could say. I would rather just keep it all inside and let it roll around until I am ready to let it go (if that ever happens).
I go through these phases.
I am just in a deep one right now.

In other news, I am officially 31. Joy. Wahoo. Toss a firecracker.
In honor of my birthday, I get to pay a late rent fee of 50$! Woo! What can I say? Shit has been known to happen. :p

I did go out to lunch with some coworkers. That was lovely. There was chocolate cake involved.
Nothing else terribly exciting. It was fairly nice overall. I can't really complain.


Lara said...

nothing else terribly exciting? chocolate cake is VERY exciting! hooray!

happy birthday, kid. :) live it up in year 32!

Joe said...

Happy Birthday, Mo!

Unknown said...

And I didn't have the baby on your birthday.... So sorry, I tried!

Big Sis said...

Happidy Birthday. They should always involve chocolate. Especially as you get older and get concerned about the number, chocolate has been proven as a cure for worries (who could worry about their age with something tasty arresting your attention?).

Big Sis said...

What's going on with Amanda? Her job? Is she still working at two jobs? How is her health these days? What other things does she have going on?...