Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Year's Resolution....

I make the same one every year. At least, in recent years.
My NYR is to read more books than Joe does this year. Obviously, as I keep making it, I have yet to ever do it. Not from a lack of being able to read as fast as Joe does, but more along the lines of losing my committment here and there along the way. :p
A couple of years ago I started out brilliantly...I read seven books the first week of 2006. That is a book a day! Wooo! Okay, yes, I had that particular week off (obviously). Of course, after that my reading tapered down until an entire month had gone by without my reading anything.
I love to read but I get distracted by so many other things. It's rather sad really.
Still, this resolution is on the list of things to do before I die, so I will keep making it until one day I have achieved victory...and not because Joe was in a coma or on some strange asian getaway where he had limited access to books.
A normal Joe kind of year. :p

Not a lot else to say.
To be honest, I haven't posted lately because I haven't felt like "talking" to anyone. I have decisions I need to make...things on my mind...I just have no desire to rehash them here right now.
I feel politically disgruntled, and you all know by now how I feel about the writer's strike. Perhaps I will comment on that again soon, but for now...this is all you get.


Big Sis said...

Well, it's good to hear from you just the same.

Lara said...

good luck with the decisions and things on your mind. we're here if you ever do want to talk about it.