Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snarly Face.

...I am making one right now.
The only reason I am blogging is because I want to be able to say I did, when Chris asks me if I have been writing anything. Which, I concede, is a lame reason. Whatever works though, right? It helps. It does its part.
It isn't my blogs fault that I have a bad additude. :p

Well, in the ongoing adventures of I went shopping. Actually, it was more like wandering around aimlessly waiting for my sister to get off so that "we" could go shopping. We were supposed to be shopping for my mom, but we ended up at the Steve and Barry's closeout sale, buying clothes for small, cute girls. =) I am sure my two year old niece will REALLY appreciate the time we spent. haha. We did also have a lovely lunch. I love my 'lil sister and any opportunity to hang out with her.
It is freezing in Spokane. Literally. I think it's around 24 degrees right now, and tomorrow I think we are supposed to have a whopping high of 9! On the side streets where the snow didn't melt and they haven't dropped any sand, it is now solid ice. After I took my sister home my car couldn't make it up the small incline just outside of her complex so I had to back up and go another way. Luckily that worked out. The main roads aren't too bad, at least, the ones I drove on today. I hope it stays that way. I live at the top of a pretty significant hill. The city takes pretty good care of it, but even so...
It worries me a little.
I am a bit paranoid about winter driving this year. Usually I am not too worried about the snow, or sliding off the road. I am a very careful driver, and I generally avoid the freeway (one benefit of not living in a huge city where it's necessary to commute). I could be wrong, but I think part of the reason I feel this way, is because I am not surrounded by my usual crowd of friends. Of course, I wasn't the past two winters either, but then I was in Texas and Federal Way. In FW it snowed briefly, but it didn't stay long. It generally does not snow at all in San Antonio. So, anyway, in the past I also knew quite a few people with the same pasttimes that I had, so it was easy to hitch a ride somewhere in case of weather. For two years before I moved away, I also had roommates and neighbors who went to the same church as I did, and all the things associated with. So...I don't know. I guess it adds to the security factor.
These days I am just kind of doing my own thing. I suppose I am a bit hermity. Sometimes I go to work quite early in the morning, before anyone else is on the road. The other part of the time I come home after dark. Not super late, but late in the wintertime. People tend to stay in more in the winter, so the roads are not so busy after 9p.m. Of course, that also depends on the weather. Basically it comes down to the fact that I am generally driving alone, in the dark, with barely anyone on the road. It means that there are less maniacs around to cause accidents, lol, but it also means that if anything happens, there is noone around to see.
I find that slightly frightening.
I pray, a lot, that nothing bad will happen.
You've gotta do what you've gotta do. I try not to dwell on it.

Well, I have around 14 days left to finish my Christmas projects, one of which is a needlepoint piece. My fingers are freezing, which I've gotta say is not really so helpful. I am going to attempt to work on it anyway.
Away I go!

Currently Listening to:
Nat King Cole/Christmas

Currently Reading: Robert Jordan/A Crown of Swords

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