Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why Not.

Greetings from Amanda the non-blogger.

So, I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but sometimes when I go to bed at night, all of the things from that evening mush together in my head and create really odd dreams.
Last night, I was looking at some pictures of my adorable friend Bridget, who is pregnant. She is the cutest pregnant lady ever! I was thinking about calling my friend Dave who I hadn't spoken to in awhile, and I sent a message to my friend Tonya from high school, asking her who in the heck this other girl was who had sent me a friend request on Facebook. Apparently other friends of mine know her, but I got nothin'.

So after all of that, among other things, I decided to go to bed.
I dreamt that I was pregnant...weird. I dreamt that my friend Dave (who I didn't meet until I was 26) gave me a ride back to high school (but the building was really my old junior high and there was a wedding going on in the basement). All of my old classmates were there, but they were not teenagers, they were adults. It was now, but in high school. Lol! I don't know! It was BIZARRO! haha.
Okay, here is the best part...
After "school" my girlhood friend Danielle drove me home. We were in the same van Dave had driven us to school in. The roads we drove down were way more quaint than our neighborhood really was back then. Suddenly, she started driving like a maniac! We were racing down these tiny streets with huge canopy trees above us! Then, she decided to take a short cut and she flipped the van upside down! Miraculously we were unharmed, but I was shocked and crawled out as fast as I could!
What goes on in my brain while I am sleeping...I just have no idea.
There are very odd things floating around in there.

So, I just haven't felt like blogging lately. Probably because I just don't feel like sharing. That's right, I have become a non-sharer. I really need to snap out of it, but I haven't figured out how yet. I am in some weird transitionary phase and it sucks. I was complaining about something...who knows my friend Chris. I think it had to do with my being in a bad mood. Anyway, he said; "Write that! That is a great time to write!" Which is true of course, but I didn't do it.

I make myself crazy, but I am working on that.
Why can't life be just a little bit easier?!

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