Sunday, April 01, 2007


Why am I even blogging right now, I have to ask myself.

Myself, responding in a sing-song voice advises me, that I have at least three good hours to kill before I can go to sleep, and I must amuse myself somehow. This blog might only take ten minutes, but that is ten minutes closer to sleepy sleepy time.

You see, I have several opening shifts in a row. What this means to you is that I have to wake up around 3:30 in the morning each day.
Usually, no big deal, but lately I have only been opening here or there, and I am not used to going to sleep that early any more.
The first night I tried to go to bed early, but only succeeded in tossing and turning for several hours. I got maybe three hours of sleep, which was ok, since I would go to work, become highly caffeinated, and get to go home reasonably early and take a nap.
I have done this lots of times, and not had trouble sleeping later.

Well, that's what I did, but I don't know if all those shots of coffee came back later to bite me in the ass or what. Maybe it was the three hour nap that did me in? In any case, I could not sleep the following night, and proceeded to toss and turn once again.
Not only that, but once I did fall into a blissful sleep, I proceeded to wake up 45 minutes before my alarm...wide awake.
Yesterday I was determined to stay awake until at least 6:30 in the evening, which would be going to bed early. I made it until 4, at which time I could no longer keep my eyes open. Even though my nap was shorter, and I was still totally tired later when I went back to bed (there was yawning and everything), I STILL could not sleep!!! UGH!

I drank less coffee today, surprisingly, and am now determined to hold out until 6:30 for real.
I figure at about six I will take a nice hot bath, helping my body go into deep sleep mode. Clean, fresh smelly, and in my favorite comfy pajamas I will crawl into bed at promptly 6:30 and sleep the sleep of the dead, or at least the severely medicated. :p
It's only 3 though, and that time seems a long, long time away.
*chants to self: "I can do it! I can do it!"*

I keep calling people for sheer entertainment value. I am not even at that place where I am so tired that I am extremely hilarious...I am passed there actually. Nothing is that funny anymore!!! :p

In other news, I love my doctor. Random information I know.
I haven't had a general doctor in a long time actually. I mean, I have gone to a couple of different clinics when I needed to, but that was not often. I had an ear nose throat guy in Montana that I liked, but that was a few years ago.
So anyway, in the fall after I moved over here, I was a coughing machine. I think it took me time to become somewhat mold/damp resistant. I needed to go to the doctor bad, so I found the nearest clinic, and made an appointment. Essentially I just fell into having a fabulous doctor. His family had just relocated here from somewhere up north. He is one of those doctors who makes you feel like he actually listens to you, rather than just giving you a drug and sending you on your merry way.
The funny thing is, he sometimes comes through my drive-thru, especially on the weekends, picking up treats for the wife and kiddies. This morning he came through and asked me how I was doing, and seemed to genuinely be concerned. So we talked about the muscle relaxers, the Physical therapist, and money. haha.
Anyway, he is just a really nice guy, and I am so glad that I have a doctor I really like.Some doctors are just creepy, or not very helpful.

I also need to go to the dentist, although I have been putting it off because I know they are going to want me to get my wisdom teeth out, which I can't afford just yet...but there is this dentist, also fabulous, who frequents my store as well, and I am totally going to go see him if he is contracted with my insurance company. Love the guy.

So yeah. It's nice. Sometimes hard to find a physician/dentist who you like.

Well, I am 16 minutes closer to the sleep deadline.
I hope I make it. =)

Later taters!


Lara said...

ooh, i hope you made it!

Big Sis said...

If you ever need the reasoning...when you wrote this, I believe it was 6:00 where I am... Am I counting correctly?

Big Sis said...

Yep, b/c it was 1:49 p.m. when that posted. I'm off to live in your future.

Unknown said...

I hear you honey!