Friday, April 27, 2007

A Break Before Sleeping

Yes, yes, I am a very bad little blogger. I am a bad girl in general. Not only have I not updated in nearly two weeks (gasp!), but it is 9:30p.m. and I have to open in the morning. I also just ate a hot dog. It was a turkey hot dog if that makes it any healthier? Anyway, I just had to have a hot dog. It was that or a run to a nearby seafood restuarant. I am really craving seafood, but I held myself back.

The last few days I have actually sat down at the computer intending to blog, but then I just didn't know what to say. My brain is a little fried from all the information I have been cramming into it the past two weeks. It's going well so far though.
Tonight I am wondering how I really feel about working seven days a week.
I am not stressed out....yet. However, there is a displacement event tomorrow that I would really like to participate in, and with all the hours I work this weekend, it is just not possible.
I am sitting here thinking...hmmm.....wouldn't it be nice to have a weekend off? :p
Seriously though, its not forever. I am going to hang in there for the time being.

Early this week I had a really disturbing dream. In fact, I was upset the entire next day about it. The next night however, I had this amazing dream that I was in a church where I actually felt (shock!) comfortable!! It felt...relevent. I woke up thinking...Wow! Is there such a place?! If so, I would love to find it. Unfortunately, my Sundays are still occupied.

Today one of my bosses came and talked to us about how he got started working for our organization. He showed us this video from a trip he took to Kenya, and let me tell you, by the time it was over there wasn't a dry eye in the room. It's nice to think that everyday at your job you are doing something to help someone else. Something important.
My co-workers, specifically, the girls in my training group, are slowly winning me over. I am a little jaded in the area of "All things great and good." Wondering if there are any. lol! Couple of these gals are really young, but really passionate about God. They encourage me despite myself. I find that even though I still maintain a lot of the opinions and ideas I have gained from the past, ministry, whatever, my heart is still being won over by their sincerity. I had my doubts in the beginning.
I can see certain things driving me crazy in the long run, but it's just a matter of finding balance. There are also a lot of opportunities. In fact....who knows. I could be here for a long time. There are other areas that I could branch into, and I love that. Anyway, I don't want to talk it up into some big thing that you will all be expecting me to be involved with forever. No expectations. I am just far so good. I'll ride this wave and see where it takes me.

There are so many AMAZING opportunities to give with World Vision. I mean, seriously, so many things I didn't even know about. You can give money to dig wells for communities, you can buy goats, cows, pigs for families. You can provide caretaker kits, and medicine for AIDS patients, you can help build schools, you can sponsor children, heck, whole families!!! We have so many programs. We have American businessmen, volunteers with the organization; They go into these brothels were young girls have been kidnapped and forced to become prostitutes, or sold into it by their parents. The men go in and rescue the girls, sneaking them away to safe houses, where World Vision offers them counseling, and a fresh start...teaching them trades, and giving them MEANS to live a better life. So often in christian circles we just pray for people, but we don't really meet their needs. This is not that place. This organization really meets the needs of people, and rebuilds communities. It's pretty inspiring.
Anyway...there is my schpeil.

I really must go to bed. At least I have finally updated, as I have been wanting to do all week.
Blessings to all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

xanga now allows non-user comments! Yay!