Friday, April 06, 2007

A Shout Out to the Blogging Community...

Hello again!!
Sorry about my temporary disappearance. I sometimes randomly lose track of days. :p

Actually, I had a friend in town this week, which was soooo nice!! She is the first person to visit my apartment, and it was such a great time. Unfortunately, there was cake. Yes, that's right. Cake. It was her birthday, we baked a cake. We both ate a piece of the cake. With ice cream. Ice Cream from the two gallons that are in my freezer (it was buy one get one free). Then she left....
Do you see where I am going with this?? Yeah, that would be the fact that there is still cake. Nearly a whole cake in fact, sitting on my kitchen counter. *sigh*
What is a girl to do?
Anyone want to come over and eat cake (oh, and ice cream)?

Well, enough of that.

I was talking to Ryan just now about the blogging community that I have randomly found myself to be a part of, and I was thinking a week or so ago that I wanted to make some random people comments anyway.
So I went to Lara's blog to try and find the post about comment addiction, that was echoed by several other people, but instead, got sucked into old posts of hers that I hadn't read yet. There went an hour.
So I am not going to try and link that specific post after all, but just comment on the fact that I have never considered myself a comment junkie. I love to blog, and do it for myself, whether anybody else read's it or not. Even so, several people have endeared themselves to me with their comments. The two that stick out the most were Kim saying; "You sound like a friend I wish I had," and Lara saying; I really admire your strength and depth..." Has anyone ever recieved any better compliments? So, even though I have never been a comment junkie, I must confess they are still nice. =)

If it weren't for comments, I actually wouldn't even know about these fantastic women, whose blogs I now browse on a fairly regular basis. Jill, was the first, she who is always cracking me up by leaving comments reguarding the possiblity of us crossing paths in Asheville and "grrrr at you if you trip me!" Followed a few weeks later with "Texas is not known for it's maple trees." LOL!
Lara was next, and somehow she dragged me into her little bloggy world, even though she posts way more than me, and I was sure I would never be able to keep up with even reading them. Plus, she manages to read and possibly, dare I say it, enjoy my blog (judging from the positive remarks), despite the fact that I am sure she wants to sit me down and give me a serious grammer/punctuation lesson.
Lastly, Kim, there is far too much to say about as well. I went to her blog the first time, having no idea what to expect, and laughed so hard I nearly peed myself. Those are the best kinds of blogs, don't you think? Reality scattered with extreme humor.
I wish I could write half as well as they do.
Still, they let me into their little bloggy lives, and that is enough for me!

Before these new friends, I only had Joe who updated regularly, unless you count Jane Espenson who I obviously do not know personally. All of my other friends who are linked, are seriously sporadic posters. Yes, Ryan, you know this includes you.
Ryan was telling me he was thinking of challenging me to a 30 in 30. 30 posts in 30 days. Seriously. Who do you think is going to win in that contest? This is my chance to taunt him publicly so I am taking it. Feel free to make your own jabs as well. haha. :p

Okay kids, I don't know if I need to take my vitamins or what, but I am so freaking tired. This week has just been rough for me. I've been tired all the time. I think I might be fighting off a bug, as I woke a couple of days ago with a sore throat, but it went away a little later. Just can't keep my eyes focused anymore.
I do want you to know that I played with html today, and I even had Lara linked in the body of my blog, but for some reason the other one's were giving me hella trouble, so you will have to hold back your linky enthusiasm for another day.

Goodbye for now, big internet world.


Lara said...

hey, here's a shout out right back at you. :) i'm glad you found my blog and enjoyed it, because it meant i could find and enjoy yours. and yes, occasionally i correct your grammar in my head as i read. i'm ashamed of myself for that. :-P

i look forward to 30 in 30! all amanda, all the time!

Big Sis said...

This is me, being a few days late, and yes, a few dollars short (so if you want to throw some change my way... j/k, I shouldn't complain).
Good times. I'm with you on the leftover cake and ice cream deal - I have to have people over to justify making almost anything, or it will NOT be finished.
And it's nice to hear thoughts on comments. It's like... a conversation. :)
Here's to long-distance "relationships" (of the kind, well, not the other kind).