Monday, March 19, 2007

Corpus Christi

I might be moving...
Yes, to Texas.

It's not for sure yet. I'm going to be talking to a couple of people in the next few days, and hopefully get it figured out.
This is one of those decisions I was talking about before.
I talked to my mom today, just to give her a heads up that it was a possibility. I don't know what I expected. She was surprisingly great though.
I was surprisingly sad.
Texas is a long long way from home. No random trips to Spokane.
If I go there, it will be a long time before I make it home again...and yes, I consider the holidays to be a long time. :p

I don't really want to go into too many details, since I don't know for sure. What matters it that in the next few days, I have to make a decision about leaving lovely, rainy, western Washington. On the bright side, I would be living with my best friend, also a big fan of lovely, rainy, western Washington, and we'll both get back someday. hehe.

I managed to eek through an eight hour work day today. Woo! Victory! Muscle relaxers are your friend. Well, they are my friend anyway. I was so tired when I got home though...I crashed into a blissful two hour nap. I feel like my whole day was wasted, but at least I managed to make some money.
Now I am in a weird mood though...probably just because of everything.
Stress is oozing in at the edges of my psychae.

I suppose that's all I have to say today.


Lara said...

i hope you are able to come to a decision you feel is best for you in the end. it'll work out, in one way or another, as i'm sure you already know. don't let yourself stress too much about it for now.

oh, and thanks for the linky love in the sidebar. :)

Big Sis said...

Texas is not known for its Maple Trees.