Friday, February 24, 2006


Well, I haven't written in awhile and it's sort of been bugging me. Last week I was really sick and not on the computer at all. In fact, I didn't do much of anything except lie around and be sick. This week I've just been doing other things but I keep thinking..Man, I need to update. Not that there's really much to report anyway.
This weekend I am going to Seattle area with some friends who are moving. They needed somebody to drive over one of their vehicles. I am excited and not. It will be a nice drive, and good to hang out with my friend who, after all, will be living on the other side of the state. Even so, I know we are going to spend most of the weekend (and Mon/Tues) hanging out with their family, and other friends, and I am a little concerned about the amount of enthusiasm. I just don't have much, and having to deal with people who ooze with all things positive is sometimes a drain on me. Does that sound terrible? Well, you know how some people just have no troubles in life, and are constantly peppy and if you aren't then they want to preach at you the good news, and how life is oh so fabulous?! Man, that drives me so crazy. I hope I am never that person. lol. I just want to be normal and chill ya know?
So that's that.
In other non-important news...I am completely addicted to the t.v. show House. I absolutely love Hugh Laurie. Something about those british men??.... Anyway, I have always liked the show, but it has become my absolute favorite. It is interesting and intelligently written. Plus, The sarcastic Dr. House just cracks me up, makes me feel compassionate, and causes me to cringe all at the same time with some of the things he says. Fabulous team of lackeys. Great female supervisor. It's just a damn good show. =) I needed to share that!
Completely unrelated, and yet, strangely similar is that I also really like Simon Cowell..(is that how his name is spelled? brain freeze.) Yeah, sometimes he totally crosses the line, but underneath I think he is just very genuine. I just love the guy. It's weird...what can I say? =)

Well, with that little bit of information I think I am going to retire. I am wide awake and have nothing better to do, so I am thinking about whipping out some Buffy episodes. Nighty night.

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