Friday, April 27, 2007

A Break Before Sleeping

Yes, yes, I am a very bad little blogger. I am a bad girl in general. Not only have I not updated in nearly two weeks (gasp!), but it is 9:30p.m. and I have to open in the morning. I also just ate a hot dog. It was a turkey hot dog if that makes it any healthier? Anyway, I just had to have a hot dog. It was that or a run to a nearby seafood restuarant. I am really craving seafood, but I held myself back.

The last few days I have actually sat down at the computer intending to blog, but then I just didn't know what to say. My brain is a little fried from all the information I have been cramming into it the past two weeks. It's going well so far though.
Tonight I am wondering how I really feel about working seven days a week.
I am not stressed out....yet. However, there is a displacement event tomorrow that I would really like to participate in, and with all the hours I work this weekend, it is just not possible.
I am sitting here thinking...hmmm.....wouldn't it be nice to have a weekend off? :p
Seriously though, its not forever. I am going to hang in there for the time being.

Early this week I had a really disturbing dream. In fact, I was upset the entire next day about it. The next night however, I had this amazing dream that I was in a church where I actually felt (shock!) comfortable!! It felt...relevent. I woke up thinking...Wow! Is there such a place?! If so, I would love to find it. Unfortunately, my Sundays are still occupied.

Today one of my bosses came and talked to us about how he got started working for our organization. He showed us this video from a trip he took to Kenya, and let me tell you, by the time it was over there wasn't a dry eye in the room. It's nice to think that everyday at your job you are doing something to help someone else. Something important.
My co-workers, specifically, the girls in my training group, are slowly winning me over. I am a little jaded in the area of "All things great and good." Wondering if there are any. lol! Couple of these gals are really young, but really passionate about God. They encourage me despite myself. I find that even though I still maintain a lot of the opinions and ideas I have gained from the past, ministry, whatever, my heart is still being won over by their sincerity. I had my doubts in the beginning.
I can see certain things driving me crazy in the long run, but it's just a matter of finding balance. There are also a lot of opportunities. In fact....who knows. I could be here for a long time. There are other areas that I could branch into, and I love that. Anyway, I don't want to talk it up into some big thing that you will all be expecting me to be involved with forever. No expectations. I am just far so good. I'll ride this wave and see where it takes me.

There are so many AMAZING opportunities to give with World Vision. I mean, seriously, so many things I didn't even know about. You can give money to dig wells for communities, you can buy goats, cows, pigs for families. You can provide caretaker kits, and medicine for AIDS patients, you can help build schools, you can sponsor children, heck, whole families!!! We have so many programs. We have American businessmen, volunteers with the organization; They go into these brothels were young girls have been kidnapped and forced to become prostitutes, or sold into it by their parents. The men go in and rescue the girls, sneaking them away to safe houses, where World Vision offers them counseling, and a fresh start...teaching them trades, and giving them MEANS to live a better life. So often in christian circles we just pray for people, but we don't really meet their needs. This is not that place. This organization really meets the needs of people, and rebuilds communities. It's pretty inspiring.
Anyway...there is my schpeil.

I really must go to bed. At least I have finally updated, as I have been wanting to do all week.
Blessings to all!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

International Mindset

The other day when I was picking up some paperwork for World Vision, I had a chance to sit and talk to the HR gal.
This is a really long version of what I told her.

This whole thing is weird.
My DTS was eight long years ago.
My time in India is now far far away.

When you come home from something like that, you are changed. You are no longer the same blind little American.
I am not picking on Americans either. Europeans might stick their noses up at us for not knowing five languages, but it's different, let's face it.
If you are a European, you take a long walk and you are in another country. If you take French in school, you will most likely have many opportunities to use it.
Here, not so.
Most students are required to take a foreign language in high school, and that is not even talking about college level. If you take Spanish there is a slightly larger chance you might get to use it, or if you take Russian and happen to live in a large russian community. So many Americans however, may have foreign neighbors, but the neighbors really want to practice their English, or they never speak their native language. That's just the way it is. The languages they started using, they really have no need for unless they go into some graduate program or travel for work or something. It just makes sense why a lot of Americans only speak English and I definitely don't think it is because we are proud or stuck up. Like anyone in any other country, most americans just want to have a decent job, feed their family, and live in peace. They may be ignorant of the outside world, except for bits they read on the news, but they also have lives that keep them busy.
Okay, I totally digress.....
International mindedness. So, you go overseas, and you play with dirty naked children who want you to teach them how to write their name. You feed them, you go to leper camps, you see a lot of orphans, you talk about AIDS (not the same way you talk about it here).
...You get changed.

Suddenly, when you come home, everything is different. Grocery stores are these massive unbelievable wonderlands. Everything smells different.
It is hard to adjust.
Even though you love your friends, and you love your family, and you are so glad to be home, and not to eat any more curry for awhile, you still have a hard time. Maybe you don't realize it at first in the joy of reconnecting with people. Eventually though, it creeps up.
This is what happened to me.
And then I could never be satisified.
In short, I was ruined for an ordinary life.
Whatever that is.

Eventually I went back to YWAM. That was good. I learned things there, important and practical things. I was among people who were just as messed up as me.
But then I had to go home.
I didn't want to go, but it was time, and there was no more money.

So I spent four long years at home becoming more miserable, and praying to a God that I thought might not be listening. I strove to become normal, and desire to settle down into the perfect little American life. I thought I had almost achieved it.
Once again, I gave up what I thought I wanted. I gave up most hopes of ever going overseas again. I realized that might never happen.
I stopped hanging around most YWAMers I knew, as they now spoke a language I could no longer understand, or bear to listen to.
I buried myself in teaching Bible study, and being involved in church again. I tried to forget, and in many ways, succeeded.

This all leads to now.
Here I am.
I just got this job at World Vision. What are they if not Internationally minded? What do you do if not talk everyday about the state of the world and those in poverty?
I told this woman, that it seemed very odd to be here now, after all this time. Surely this can't be what God has for me? I mean, I am not here anymore am I? I can't really make any small difference in the world can I?
So I think about going there, and I think about famines and disasters like earthquakes and tsunami's that will inevitably happen, and I will inevitably talk to people on the phone about them, and the needs there are, and what's happening. I will know. I won't just be sitting at home watching it on the news. I will be forced to see and hear.
I have laid aside so many things in my life, and now I find myself in this strange place, where I know my heart is going to be broken.
Possibly in a good way, but painful nevertheless.
I know that working there, it cannot be avoided.

It astounds me really. Maybe I should be thinking about the mysteries of God, and the different chapters He takes us through, but honestly more than anything I think I am a little disgruntled; asking Him if he really wants me to give myself to this. Hmm.
So there is that.

On another side of this topic, I have been reading a lot of international blogs lately, which is something I used to do, and I am thinking about making some changes to my blog, which I will get into at a later time. For now, I may be adding a couple of new blog links, so just thought I would give you a heads up.

More on this later....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Getting excited makes me feel sick to my stomache.
Let me clarify.
Getting excited makes me feel sick to my stomache because sadly, I am always waiting for the hammer to fall. What is about to happen to rain on my parade?
Isn't that sad? It is entirely too cynical to be anything but sad, but thus is my life.
I have been in sheer survival mode for far too long, and it is going to take some time to snap me out of it.
Okay, so the news is; I got a new job! I am still going to work a few hours a week at Starbucks, but my first eight weeks are going to be freaking INSANE and I can use whatever prayers or well wishes you have to share during that time.
The job you ask?
Well, I am sure that at least Jill will be happy to hear that I got a job working for World Vision. I will refrain from any other details, since this is, after all, public domain. haha. Although I guess if I were going to have a stalker from the blogosphere, they could have probably discovered my whereabouts before now. :p

I just got off the phone with my friend who squealed and whooped for joy, but I had already had my bought of enthusiasm, and therefore felt like puking, and didn't want to go there again. So, I will withhold my dance of joy until ....well, further notice.
Hopefully I will get along with this job fabulously, and all will be well.
In any case, the immediate dangers of starvation and eviction have been narrowly avoided, and one cannot slight God for His sure participation in that little miracle. So let's take a moment and give Him the thanks He deserves (Thanks Big Guy). Okay, now we can move on. :p

It has only taken me all freaking day just to update my blog this small amount. Too many things going on tonight. I need to organize my whole apartment is a mess. I need bookshelves desperately...among other things.
Okay, that's all. Happy Thursday tomorrow everyone.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Phone Call From a Friend

Yesterday I was taking a nap in the late afternoon when my friend David called. I didn't answer. I was sleeping! Even so, I heard the phone and knew that maybe I should get up. I didn't need to be sleeping anymore, but that is what I felt like doing.
It's just been a couple of those days.
I can't deal, so I sleep. This is just what I do when I feel overwhelmed or depressed.

Of course, David is three hours ahead, so by the time I thought about calling him back it was getting late there. That was ok. I didn't feel like talking anyway. I felt anti-social.

So early this afternoon I was taking a nap again( see above reasons). My phone rang, again. I knew it was David before I looked at my phone. I thought about not getting up. I thought about going back to sleep. I didn't though. I got up and talked to David.
We always have good talks. It's not that or anything...I just didn't really feel like talking to anybody.
So David asked how I was doing, and we kind of caught up on things.
He is a few years younger than I, but we come from a similar charismatic church background, and randomly became friends while working at Starbucks in Spokane (where we both then lived).
So anyway, the conversation turned to God, as it is sometimes wont to do.

It's interesting talking to David about God, since when we met we were both at this very disgruntled-at-church type of place, and now we are both talking about wanting to try out a church here or there. It's also really good though, as evidenced by today's conversation.
We were talking about work, and some of our issues with that. Well, that, and other issues there are with being a grown-up and looking out for ones self. I got a little emotional, which I was not planning on doing, and it surprised me, and then David said something surprising about prayer. If David and I talk about prayer, it is usually something to do with a) the things we want to work out in life that haven't, b) yelling at God, c) God seeming not to listen, or d) all of the above.
Today's comment therefore, seemed a little random.
David suggested that I pray a prayer he has been praying for himself lately. Basically that is just, that God would reveal to me how much he loves me. Fairly simple right?
So later after we had gotten off the phone, I was sitting in the living room, listening to some music, and I felt pretty upset. I mean, David really had a point. A lot of my issues, (and probably not only mine) stem from the fact that I feel completely abandoned and unloved. This is, of course, completely ridiculous, considering how many freaking amazing friends I have, that keep coming back despite my emotional meltdowns splattering all over them! My family, also, love me tremendously, and I know it, whether it is a feeling I carry around or not.
So what gives?
Maybe this is just one of those moments where I realize how much I need God. *shrug*

In any case, I was sitting there thinking about this other friend I have been praying for, and asking myself whether or not I am really praying something for my friend that I myself do not get. Wouldn't be the first time. Even so, kind of distressing.
So I decided I would pray David's little prayer. Obviously I need to...a lot.
I didn't think it would be as hard to form the words. In fact, I sat there for a really long time staring out the window. I prayed for a few other things, and listened to a few songs before I could muster it up. Maybe it's amazing that I did it today at all.
Of course, nothing was instantly better. It just doesn't work that way.

I thought back on some times in the past though, and I found myself asking God, "Do You remember this?" Do you remember when I had this much faith? When you said no to this, but that was ok with me? When the whole world was open before me and I had hope for it? Before I was bitter? These prayers I prayed? These things I heard You say??
It made me cry a little. Okay, maybe more than a little.
Somehow it got me to the prayer I needed to say though, so I guess that was good.

After everything, I decided that maybe it was good that I got up and talked to David after all. The evening has been much more productive than sleep would have brought anyway. Maybe I just needed that little connection, that little reminder. I don't know. God knows though, and despite the fact that I sometimes forget, or fail to notice, He does actually allow these occurances now and then. ;)

That's pretty much all I have to say tonight. I have to open in the morning, which means it is bedtime. I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday.
Bless yas.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Okay, so I decided to post now, before I feel too sleepy. I know the sleepy monster is going to catch up with me eventually, despite the fact that it is only 4:30 in the afternoon.
Despite the fact that I am a little chilly inside, I have opened all the windows, because you have NO idea how fabulous the spring goodness smells outside. Earth and grass and flowers and trees and.....well, who knows what, but you get the gist. It smells so lovely I want to let it all come in!!!

I have some fabulous little planters, and eventually I am even going to buy plants to put in them. hehe. ;)

Tomorrow is Easter and I am working. It seems a little weird to be working on Easter. I think I usually do not work on Easter. I am also not going to church. *shock* I know. Even complete heathens go to church on Easter. Oh well. The heathens will have to enjoy church without me this year. I am definitely not into hyped up church events anymore anyway, but I do like Jesus, so I definitely might go if I were not working. However, since I am working, I will not feel guilty or cry myself a river over abstaining from religious traditions.
I'm pretty sure Jesus loves me just as much at home on Easter, as He does anywhere else. :p

This morning I got a text message from my little sister, who will also be referred to as; "The Smoochie." The message said; "sometimes I really miss u. Just wanted you to know! smoochies!"
Umm...okay, who's day is not made by that? My day was made for sure!
I happen to really like the Smoochie, aka wittle sista. Yes, I do have a variety of pet names for the Cuteness, but if you could know her fabulousness, you would make up pet names too, and you would say them in that little kid voice that overwhelms you, even though you are nearly 31 and should behave like a grown-up.
What? Me? Immature? No no no. You must have me mistaken for somebody else!

Okay, so I know today's entry is full of randomness, but it is all springy goodness.
Except for this part, which is full of springy badness.
CHORES! I will sweep, and wash the dishes, and clean the mirrors, and wash the floors on my hands and knees if I need to. I will do this all without complaining.....usually....but I HATE to take the garbage out. Why? I do not know.I will put it off until the last possible moment, when the garbage is about to overflow and be disgusting all over the place. I just cannot stand this chore, and will always procrastinate doing it, as long as possible. I also do not iron. I hate ironing, and suck at it anyway. This, I rationalize, is why I have a dryer. Sprinkle the clothes, throw them in the dryer. Badda Bing!
If I ever marry someone who has to wear nice pressed shirts all the time, and my dryer method is not good enough for him, he can be damned sure that he will be ironing his own clothes, because that is where my wifely kindness will draw the line. Oh yes.
People always talk about doing the spring cleaning, so it made sense to discuss chores along with my other springy topics. Besides, I know you all wanted this insight into Amanda's housekeeping habits.

What I really wish I had right now, is a barbecue. I do not currently own a barbecue, which is unfortunate, since after doing chores, and not going to church on Easter, I might like to catch something on fire. This is what Americans do when the weather starts to change, and it smells all wonderful outside. I am all for this particular tradition. In fact, most things do taste better having been cooked over charcoal (If I do say so myself). Okay, maybe not raisin bran, or yogurt and things like that, but you general.....:p hehe.

Well, anyway, I am going to enjoy the fabulousness of today, and maybe work on one of those Christmas projects I will soon lose interest in. So, I hope you all have a fabulous Easter, and enjoy your own springy weather.

Friday, April 06, 2007

A Shout Out to the Blogging Community...

Hello again!!
Sorry about my temporary disappearance. I sometimes randomly lose track of days. :p

Actually, I had a friend in town this week, which was soooo nice!! She is the first person to visit my apartment, and it was such a great time. Unfortunately, there was cake. Yes, that's right. Cake. It was her birthday, we baked a cake. We both ate a piece of the cake. With ice cream. Ice Cream from the two gallons that are in my freezer (it was buy one get one free). Then she left....
Do you see where I am going with this?? Yeah, that would be the fact that there is still cake. Nearly a whole cake in fact, sitting on my kitchen counter. *sigh*
What is a girl to do?
Anyone want to come over and eat cake (oh, and ice cream)?

Well, enough of that.

I was talking to Ryan just now about the blogging community that I have randomly found myself to be a part of, and I was thinking a week or so ago that I wanted to make some random people comments anyway.
So I went to Lara's blog to try and find the post about comment addiction, that was echoed by several other people, but instead, got sucked into old posts of hers that I hadn't read yet. There went an hour.
So I am not going to try and link that specific post after all, but just comment on the fact that I have never considered myself a comment junkie. I love to blog, and do it for myself, whether anybody else read's it or not. Even so, several people have endeared themselves to me with their comments. The two that stick out the most were Kim saying; "You sound like a friend I wish I had," and Lara saying; I really admire your strength and depth..." Has anyone ever recieved any better compliments? So, even though I have never been a comment junkie, I must confess they are still nice. =)

If it weren't for comments, I actually wouldn't even know about these fantastic women, whose blogs I now browse on a fairly regular basis. Jill, was the first, she who is always cracking me up by leaving comments reguarding the possiblity of us crossing paths in Asheville and "grrrr at you if you trip me!" Followed a few weeks later with "Texas is not known for it's maple trees." LOL!
Lara was next, and somehow she dragged me into her little bloggy world, even though she posts way more than me, and I was sure I would never be able to keep up with even reading them. Plus, she manages to read and possibly, dare I say it, enjoy my blog (judging from the positive remarks), despite the fact that I am sure she wants to sit me down and give me a serious grammer/punctuation lesson.
Lastly, Kim, there is far too much to say about as well. I went to her blog the first time, having no idea what to expect, and laughed so hard I nearly peed myself. Those are the best kinds of blogs, don't you think? Reality scattered with extreme humor.
I wish I could write half as well as they do.
Still, they let me into their little bloggy lives, and that is enough for me!

Before these new friends, I only had Joe who updated regularly, unless you count Jane Espenson who I obviously do not know personally. All of my other friends who are linked, are seriously sporadic posters. Yes, Ryan, you know this includes you.
Ryan was telling me he was thinking of challenging me to a 30 in 30. 30 posts in 30 days. Seriously. Who do you think is going to win in that contest? This is my chance to taunt him publicly so I am taking it. Feel free to make your own jabs as well. haha. :p

Okay kids, I don't know if I need to take my vitamins or what, but I am so freaking tired. This week has just been rough for me. I've been tired all the time. I think I might be fighting off a bug, as I woke a couple of days ago with a sore throat, but it went away a little later. Just can't keep my eyes focused anymore.
I do want you to know that I played with html today, and I even had Lara linked in the body of my blog, but for some reason the other one's were giving me hella trouble, so you will have to hold back your linky enthusiasm for another day.

Goodbye for now, big internet world.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Why am I even blogging right now, I have to ask myself.

Myself, responding in a sing-song voice advises me, that I have at least three good hours to kill before I can go to sleep, and I must amuse myself somehow. This blog might only take ten minutes, but that is ten minutes closer to sleepy sleepy time.

You see, I have several opening shifts in a row. What this means to you is that I have to wake up around 3:30 in the morning each day.
Usually, no big deal, but lately I have only been opening here or there, and I am not used to going to sleep that early any more.
The first night I tried to go to bed early, but only succeeded in tossing and turning for several hours. I got maybe three hours of sleep, which was ok, since I would go to work, become highly caffeinated, and get to go home reasonably early and take a nap.
I have done this lots of times, and not had trouble sleeping later.

Well, that's what I did, but I don't know if all those shots of coffee came back later to bite me in the ass or what. Maybe it was the three hour nap that did me in? In any case, I could not sleep the following night, and proceeded to toss and turn once again.
Not only that, but once I did fall into a blissful sleep, I proceeded to wake up 45 minutes before my alarm...wide awake.
Yesterday I was determined to stay awake until at least 6:30 in the evening, which would be going to bed early. I made it until 4, at which time I could no longer keep my eyes open. Even though my nap was shorter, and I was still totally tired later when I went back to bed (there was yawning and everything), I STILL could not sleep!!! UGH!

I drank less coffee today, surprisingly, and am now determined to hold out until 6:30 for real.
I figure at about six I will take a nice hot bath, helping my body go into deep sleep mode. Clean, fresh smelly, and in my favorite comfy pajamas I will crawl into bed at promptly 6:30 and sleep the sleep of the dead, or at least the severely medicated. :p
It's only 3 though, and that time seems a long, long time away.
*chants to self: "I can do it! I can do it!"*

I keep calling people for sheer entertainment value. I am not even at that place where I am so tired that I am extremely hilarious...I am passed there actually. Nothing is that funny anymore!!! :p

In other news, I love my doctor. Random information I know.
I haven't had a general doctor in a long time actually. I mean, I have gone to a couple of different clinics when I needed to, but that was not often. I had an ear nose throat guy in Montana that I liked, but that was a few years ago.
So anyway, in the fall after I moved over here, I was a coughing machine. I think it took me time to become somewhat mold/damp resistant. I needed to go to the doctor bad, so I found the nearest clinic, and made an appointment. Essentially I just fell into having a fabulous doctor. His family had just relocated here from somewhere up north. He is one of those doctors who makes you feel like he actually listens to you, rather than just giving you a drug and sending you on your merry way.
The funny thing is, he sometimes comes through my drive-thru, especially on the weekends, picking up treats for the wife and kiddies. This morning he came through and asked me how I was doing, and seemed to genuinely be concerned. So we talked about the muscle relaxers, the Physical therapist, and money. haha.
Anyway, he is just a really nice guy, and I am so glad that I have a doctor I really like.Some doctors are just creepy, or not very helpful.

I also need to go to the dentist, although I have been putting it off because I know they are going to want me to get my wisdom teeth out, which I can't afford just yet...but there is this dentist, also fabulous, who frequents my store as well, and I am totally going to go see him if he is contracted with my insurance company. Love the guy.

So yeah. It's nice. Sometimes hard to find a physician/dentist who you like.

Well, I am 16 minutes closer to the sleep deadline.
I hope I make it. =)

Later taters!