Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Getting excited makes me feel sick to my stomache.
Let me clarify.
Getting excited makes me feel sick to my stomache because sadly, I am always waiting for the hammer to fall. What is about to happen to rain on my parade?
Isn't that sad? It is entirely too cynical to be anything but sad, but thus is my life.
I have been in sheer survival mode for far too long, and it is going to take some time to snap me out of it.
Okay, so the news is; I got a new job! I am still going to work a few hours a week at Starbucks, but my first eight weeks are going to be freaking INSANE and I can use whatever prayers or well wishes you have to share during that time.
The job you ask?
Well, I am sure that at least Jill will be happy to hear that I got a job working for World Vision. I will refrain from any other details, since this is, after all, public domain. haha. Although I guess if I were going to have a stalker from the blogosphere, they could have probably discovered my whereabouts before now. :p

I just got off the phone with my friend who squealed and whooped for joy, but I had already had my bought of enthusiasm, and therefore felt like puking, and didn't want to go there again. So, I will withhold my dance of joy until ....well, further notice.
Hopefully I will get along with this job fabulously, and all will be well.
In any case, the immediate dangers of starvation and eviction have been narrowly avoided, and one cannot slight God for His sure participation in that little miracle. So let's take a moment and give Him the thanks He deserves (Thanks Big Guy). Okay, now we can move on. :p

It has only taken me all freaking day just to update my blog this small amount. Too many things going on tonight. I need to organize my whole apartment is a mess. I need bookshelves desperately...among other things.
Okay, that's all. Happy Thursday tomorrow everyone.


Lara said...

congrats on the job! i will send lots of positive thoughts to counteract your worry and nausea. :)

Big Sis said...

Wow, good for you!!

Maybe I missed the announcement (entirely possible), but does this mean you'll be staying in the "undisclosed location" where you currently reside (I think the grammar on that is off, but at least I took off the dangling... participle? is that the term I want)?

Am I that transparent, as to rejoice in anyone devoting themself to NOT making money? :)

Congrats!! Now go puke.

Unknown said...

Ha ha. No I don't use blogger anymore because I can't remember my freaking password and username!! When they merged w/ Google it messed me all up. I can't even leave comments for you w/o that - so that's why you're not seeing them. I read & think "I should email her" and then someone yells & gets me off the computer.... But congrats on the job - I hope it was better than you are expecting!