Saturday, April 07, 2007


Okay, so I decided to post now, before I feel too sleepy. I know the sleepy monster is going to catch up with me eventually, despite the fact that it is only 4:30 in the afternoon.
Despite the fact that I am a little chilly inside, I have opened all the windows, because you have NO idea how fabulous the spring goodness smells outside. Earth and grass and flowers and trees and.....well, who knows what, but you get the gist. It smells so lovely I want to let it all come in!!!

I have some fabulous little planters, and eventually I am even going to buy plants to put in them. hehe. ;)

Tomorrow is Easter and I am working. It seems a little weird to be working on Easter. I think I usually do not work on Easter. I am also not going to church. *shock* I know. Even complete heathens go to church on Easter. Oh well. The heathens will have to enjoy church without me this year. I am definitely not into hyped up church events anymore anyway, but I do like Jesus, so I definitely might go if I were not working. However, since I am working, I will not feel guilty or cry myself a river over abstaining from religious traditions.
I'm pretty sure Jesus loves me just as much at home on Easter, as He does anywhere else. :p

This morning I got a text message from my little sister, who will also be referred to as; "The Smoochie." The message said; "sometimes I really miss u. Just wanted you to know! smoochies!"
Umm...okay, who's day is not made by that? My day was made for sure!
I happen to really like the Smoochie, aka wittle sista. Yes, I do have a variety of pet names for the Cuteness, but if you could know her fabulousness, you would make up pet names too, and you would say them in that little kid voice that overwhelms you, even though you are nearly 31 and should behave like a grown-up.
What? Me? Immature? No no no. You must have me mistaken for somebody else!

Okay, so I know today's entry is full of randomness, but it is all springy goodness.
Except for this part, which is full of springy badness.
CHORES! I will sweep, and wash the dishes, and clean the mirrors, and wash the floors on my hands and knees if I need to. I will do this all without complaining.....usually....but I HATE to take the garbage out. Why? I do not know.I will put it off until the last possible moment, when the garbage is about to overflow and be disgusting all over the place. I just cannot stand this chore, and will always procrastinate doing it, as long as possible. I also do not iron. I hate ironing, and suck at it anyway. This, I rationalize, is why I have a dryer. Sprinkle the clothes, throw them in the dryer. Badda Bing!
If I ever marry someone who has to wear nice pressed shirts all the time, and my dryer method is not good enough for him, he can be damned sure that he will be ironing his own clothes, because that is where my wifely kindness will draw the line. Oh yes.
People always talk about doing the spring cleaning, so it made sense to discuss chores along with my other springy topics. Besides, I know you all wanted this insight into Amanda's housekeeping habits.

What I really wish I had right now, is a barbecue. I do not currently own a barbecue, which is unfortunate, since after doing chores, and not going to church on Easter, I might like to catch something on fire. This is what Americans do when the weather starts to change, and it smells all wonderful outside. I am all for this particular tradition. In fact, most things do taste better having been cooked over charcoal (If I do say so myself). Okay, maybe not raisin bran, or yogurt and things like that, but you general.....:p hehe.

Well, anyway, I am going to enjoy the fabulousness of today, and maybe work on one of those Christmas projects I will soon lose interest in. So, I hope you all have a fabulous Easter, and enjoy your own springy weather.


Big Sis said...

I'm with you on not feelin' Easter this year. What a hellish year it's been, and I'm just not in the mood to say, "He is Risen, Indeed!" in-between having to answer all kinds of inevitable questions about the latest drama, when what I really want to do is just curl up in bed and hide. Which is what I attempted and planned last night. I did get up and go to church, partly b/c I had to teach a class, and partly b/c I didn't want to deal with the conversations if I didn't. But, I refused lunch, and enjoyed being by myself. Being with others, I fear, would have involved me bursting into tears.
I noticed Starbucks was open (perhaps that's a bit stranger here than there - in the Southeast, Christian holidays and winter weather guide EVERYthing). Then I got to thinking about religious tolerance, and fairness (how many Jewish or Muslim holidays does the whole country take off for?)... Maybe this should be a post, instead of a comment. Sorry for the ramble, but an obvious big "hello".

Big Sis said...

just as well, i'm trying to think of something "smart" to say, and i'm drawing a blank