Saturday, October 07, 2006


I hate shows where they blow up Rome.
Especially since I haven't been there yet and it fills me with dread that somehow I'll never get to see all those ancient treasures. =)
I love old things, what can I say?
I always did have a fascination with archaeology. =P When I was in Europe I thought briefly about going to Pompeii, but didn't do it. Someday, I hope.

I also really want to go to the Louvre. I know there are a lot of other fantastic places to go in France, but how can you not want to see all of that art?!?! I can't imagine. I love the details. =)

If little sister becomes a high school counselor, then we'll have to take a summer and go walk about. Since, obviously, she won't have to work.
It's just always putting things off into the future that bothers me...because you just never know what's going to happen, and you need to do things while you can.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You've got to explain some of that. What the heck are you talking about?