Friday, April 11, 2008

*cough cough*

I am feeling a bit under the weather.
This has been going on for a few days now, but I think yesterday and Wednesday were the worst. Luckily, yesterday and today were my days off. I have pretty much been hiding out in my house, watching old tv episodes, blowing my nose a lot the whole time. Today I feel a bit better, but my nose is still stuffy, and I am still trying to drink enough tea, and rest my voice enough that I won't get that horrible lingering cough that always comes next. I have pretty much learned that this is the only way to defeat nothing. No talking, no playing... just resting, taking vitamins, drinking lots of liquids.
We'll see how I am tomorrow. Tomorrow is my Monday (joy) and I will have to do a lot of talking at work. Saturday mornings start out a lot slower than other days though, so that helps. =)

Last night I had this bizarro dream about an old friend and her husband. I have crazy dreams you know that?!?!?! Last week I dreamt that I was getting ready for my first day of school - my senior year! In high school!!! ha! I need to start picking out the really amusing ones and sharing them...just for sheer entertainment value =)

So the weather is FINALLY doing something nice. It actually SNOWED here last week. Ugh. It's sunny and nice out now though ( I observed this while sneaking out to get my mail.). It is supposed to hit almost 70 this weekend. Wahoo!!!
Even so, I am hiding in my house. The sunshine might do me good, but my head feels a little swirly at the moment. I see a nap in the near future.

Yesterday I watched all the episodes of that show "New Amsterdam." It wasn't bad. I had tried to watch it on tv once, but I felt kind of lost. So, I thought it would help to watch the Pilot. I had nothing else to do either, so I watched the other six episodes I found. Generally I get tired sitting still that long, but yesterday it was good. I don't know what I am going to watch today. I think I will go and browse. :p

Anyway, I thought I better update since I had been neglected my usual.


Big Sis said...

I don't think you can catch it over the internet, can you? If so, I'm sorry. It was all over the place here last week.

Becky said...

Quick question...who is "dad gone mad"? And do you know what priapism is?

Becky said...

Hey there, i am in the process of kicking what's ailing me too (cough, sore throat, fever/chills, body aches) but I'm on the rebound now, I think.

Did the weekend ever get nice for you...70's?

Big Sis said...

DUDE, where ARE you??