Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Movies and stuff

I've been thinking that I ought to start reviewing books and movies and things, just for the hell of it. I've read a few books this year, and I joined Netflix, and have been watching dvd's like a fiend, so it's not like I wouldn't be able to keep up. I have to confess though, that the last few bazillion dvd's I have watched have been from seasons 1-4 of Angel/the series. Okay, that's only 24 dvd's, but even so. I think I have been a member for like...a month, and I have watched 25 or 26 dvd's. I think that's impressive...or not, depending on how lame you think my life is that I've had time to watch that many. =P
I like to come home and just sit though, and decompress sometimes.

Anyhoo, I don't know if I am going to do it for the ole blog here. I might just do it for myself. Help me keep track of stuff I have watched and read, help my memory to work some more. It's a good writing excercise as well. Plus, I like to write long hand, so I could keep a journal at home. That would be nice.

1 comment:

Joe said...

You know, a viewing rate like you have going is what makes Netflix such a good deal. I've slowed down recently, though it should pick up a little bit.