Sunday, July 30, 2006

Oh Blessed, blessed wind!!!!

This morning I went out to my car to go to work at about ten after five. I noticed a large mass of clouds off in the east, and it was actually almost windy. Best of all, I had to wear a sweater!
I've been feeling for so long like I am a turkey in the roasting pan, that this day has been sheer bliss. I was at Starbucks standing in the drive-thru window, and the wind was blowing in on me all morning long. Weeeee!!!

Today is supposed to be "work on resume" day, since I need to redo it, but I haven't worked myself up to starting yet. I hate working on my resume. Hate it, hate it! I don't know why I find it such a pain, but I do. I brought myself some coffee home so that my brain could be less fuzzy even.

Last night I went to dinner with some friends, one of whom is leaving for Medical school early tomorrow morning. A couple of old friends names came up, and today as well. Said friends have not bothered to get in touch with me, despite the fact that I have put forth an effort to keep a correspondence going.
I realize that people grow apart, I really do. I just feel....hurt, to be honest. These aren't people who I considered casual aquaintances, but quite good friends. I am more than a little let down to found out that our friendship was so small to them, that they can't even be bothered.
This seems to be a lesson that I keep learning.
At least, I have to say, that it truly makes me appreciate Karla and Becky tremendously, because my relationships with them have really been a two way street over the years. Makes a person feel appreciated once in awhile!!
I just wish they were here!!

Anyway, I am off to try and be responsible and get this resume done, before my sleepiness takes over and I find myself giving into the sirens call of my pillow! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,
I've found your link on Beckys blogspot and read how you feel about long lost friends. I know how you feel. Thinking of you every once in a while and wonder what you are up to.
Becky got my e-mail address...
Take care.