Saturday, January 06, 2007

All That Grown Up Stuff

I confess that I sometimes have my doubts about my competence as an adult.
What people do these days, all you have to do, is everything on your own. All you have to do is be, and have a decent job that pays all the bills, and squeak by somehow. Lord, how do single parents do it? I can barely take care of myself, let alone having the responsibility of caring for a child.
Once in awhile, I get emotionally overwhelmed. I mean, I deal with it. I can deal. I know what I need to do when that happens, and I get by...but so far I've had roomates, and other people helping me out. So when I got emotionally overwhelmed, I felf like I could take a day off....even though I usually never do. Now, its like...not even an option, and knowing that kind of stresses me out.
Knowing that its all on me....and with my track record....a little scary. Of course, I think it is also good for me, but in the back of my mind I have this fear that I will just get so overwhelmed one day that I will break down completely.
Grrrr! I am so not the girl I always thought I was!!!!!!
I hate that!!! :p

Anyway...that's all I have to share today.

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