Thursday, October 02, 2008

C-Span, Debates, Wall Street, Oh My!

So, I had most of an entry written about my own personal politics, but I just didn't feel like it.
What it comes to right now is that I am irritated. I don't know who I am going to vote for. I tend to vote conservative, but I don't want to vote for a party so I keep my mind open. I both like and have concerns about Obama and McCain. Right now I think we need a change no matter what it looks like. Having said that, I take voting very seriously. I worry about voting for the wrong person, even if I am just one little vote.
I am from Washington, which means that most of my state is voting for Obama. The democratic candidate could pretty much torture children and kick puppies and we would still vote blue. So, even if I decided not to vote for Obama, would it really matter? Of course, I am going to vote how I feel like I should vote reguardless. Even if it doesn't matter.

I feel very torn this year, which isn't normal. I couldn't stand wishy-washy Kerry and there was no love lost for Gore either. I would have voted for Bush as the lesser of two evils either way. I guess it is not cool these days to say that you voted for Bush. Noone likes him anymore. The Republicans are just remaining tight-lipped, trying not to incriminate themselves further. No matter what McCain and Palin do, they are never going to get out from under the Bush stigma.

I just keep watching debates and reading whatever I can, and hopefully I am getting closer to being ready for November 4th.
At this point, if whoever elected doesn't screw things up worse than they already are, I think we got an okay deal. Unfortunate to think that way, but there it is.
It's all very frustrating. And that's all I feel like saying right now.

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