Monday, December 05, 2005


Abby passed away on Friday. The memorial was yesterday. It was warm and light much as one can be.
My favorite story was when Abby decided to spruce up one of her brothers fish by removing it from the tank and placing a hair clip on its dorsal fin. :p
Also how she used to let the cats all sneak in her window. (There are a lot of cats that live in the barn)
What I will remember about her most is her smile. Everytime I came to church, at some point I would find myself sharing a smile with Abby. Usually she was sitting on Maribeth or Miranda's lap at the time, sometimes smiling at me from where she was hanging upside down. That little girl just brightened up my life. You know how there are some people who can smile at you, and you feel it on the inside? That's what it was like with Abby. Everytime she smiled at me, I felt it on the inside.
I'm glad for her sake that God let her go home early.
We are the ones who have to live with sorrow, because we will miss her, but she is in a better place where there is no sorrow. Amen, at least, for that.
Say hi to my sister little Abby.
God bless you Nixon family.

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