Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Not such good days

This is definitely one of those days that I should not be allowed near the blogger dashboard. It's been a long week, and I am feeling fairly discouraged, and I wish it were Christmas and I was at home with Becky and Rosie drinking a nice hot cocoa. =)

As lame as it sounds, last night I was watching Oprah, and Carrie Underwood was on there singing "Jesus take the Wheel," which is a great song whether you appreciate country music or not, and I confess, I had a moment where I didn't feel quite so horrible, but it didn't last long enough!!!

Last week I had a couple of interviews with a Physical Therapy office up in Kirkland, but I didn't get the job. I told myself that it was better to know now I wasn't the right fit for them, than three months down the road, but the truth is, no matter how miserable the job could have been, I would have still gotten some more experience, which could have helped me in the long run. So when I got the news, I was a little more discouraged than I had thought I was going to be. I kind of hid in my room for awhile. Actually, I guess I kind of hide in my room a lot. Jeni probably thinks I am the laziest person on earth. She's home today. I have heard her moving about in the other room, but the only time I have ventured out, she had coincidentally just gotten into the shower, so I don't know if she thinks I am sleeping or what, but in any case, it is 3:00 and I am still in my room.
I don't really have a lot of other places to go at the moment, and I have books in here, and the internet, which keep me at least somewhat entertained. I may actually get in my car and go pick up my tips at work...maybe. I can also get them tomorrow morning, so its no big deal. Just an excuse to leave the house really.

I have good days and bad days. Today, is a bad day. I mean, not like the most horrible day or anything, just not a good day. I think that badness has been building for a few days and now I am having a hard time fighting it off. Of course, you never know...tomorrow I could wake up and it could be a fabulous day. That sometimes does happen. Stranger things you know.

Anyway, I could descend into a horrible tirade at any moment, and I really don't want to do that, so I am going to go while the gettin's good!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Yeah, I thought I could tell that something is up with you. I wish I could cheer you up.. I know showtunes!