Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday the 13th...

It was a good day.

Karla has two, lovely, NEARLY 7LB bouncing babies. She had a c-section at 10am this morning London time. (2am here in Washington)
I am stoked!!!
Also, little sister is officially un-engaged. Big sister is happy because she made a wise decision. Also, he didn't love Jesus, and I am can believe whatever you want and I will still like you...but my sister is a believer and I thought she should be with someone who was like minded.

Work was good today, and the insane part of my week has once again ended without me bursting a blood vessel. =) Always a bonus!!

I am tired as heck and have a lot on my brain, but once again I have survived until Friday night.
The weather here is LOVELY!! It wasn't too hot today, just nice, and it is still warm. I love warm summer evenings.
I have friends whom I adore and all around I feel that life is very good. I like to roll with that feeling while I have it, ya know?!

Anyway, despite being in a fabulous mood, I am completely wiped out, and although I get to sleep in a bit, I still have to work at 9am tomorrow so I really must go to bed.



Unknown said...

Hey there, sorry it took me a while to stop by. HOpe you find a good place to live or a nice roommate. Yay for some nice weather and a day off, wish I could have joined you!

Big Sis said...

So, I've forced myself to be patient, but it's now been a month since I heard from/about you.

I'll try to keep patient, and rub the maple leaf tattoo for good luck.