Friday, June 17, 2005

It Takes A Little Time

O.k., just for future information, I do attempt to title my blogs with something that at least relates to what I am writing, even if that connection is one that only I understand. That doesn't always happen though, so deal with it. =)

Today as I was sitting in my cubicle minding my own business, my cube-mate's (there's no dividing wall between he and I, just us and the other crazies) groupie stopped by for a visit. I call her his groupie, only because he has threatened me that she not be called his "at work girlfriend." His "real-life" girlfriend wouldn't take kindly to that, and besides, he has no interest in this girl whatsoever. So, the other day when she was hanging around our shared space, she was asking Mr.Z ( I just decided that's his name now) about some illegal activity she was thinking about participating in. Something dumb. He was, of course, advising her that it was dumb. Today when she came around I just sat and wondered...are all girls this dumb? I mean, she is young, so there's that whole immaturity thing she's got going, but even so..... I just started thinking, do young women learn anything anymore? This is a girl who totes around Christian books and perpetuates the stereotype "hypocrite." I just felt kind of bad for her, because she seems to be so shallow. I wondered if her parents really taught her anything about their morality, or sheltered her so that she didn't even know what choices to make.
I was thinking, geez, when and if I ever have kids of my own, I need to realize that there is going to be an age where they need to be brought in on making family decisions, and the things that we deal with as adults. Otherwise, by the time they get here themselves, they are just asking for trouble. There are a whole lot of people out there just waiting to exploit the naive. *sigh* It's sad, but if you want your kids to win the battle, they need to know what kind of enemy they are looking out for.
On a lighter note, it's Friday. =) That means I get to sleep in tomorrow, and boy do I ever intend on doing so. I refuse to accept any responsibility that will keep me from my bed tomorrow morning. =) So there.

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