Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I don't know why, of late, it never occured to me to go to the Goodwill looking for books. There is a place in town called The Book Exchange, where I occassionally go to buy used books. This morning though, my mom asked me to go to the Goodwill to look for some second hand thing she wanted. It was on my way home from a friends house. I decided while I was there, to browse the books. I bought a hard bound copy of Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz, and paper backs White Oleander and Mrs. Dalloway (I haven't read any Virginia Woolf yet). Altogether with my mom's thing I spent 7.55$. Wahoo. Fabulous. Tomorrow I am going to the book exchange to look for classics. I am a classics nut at the moment. Becky is loaning me the complete Jane Austen collection.
I swear that I am going to read Harry Potter one of these days. I started the first one about three, maybe four years ago. It's not that I didn't like it, but I put it down for some reason. I just have to be in the mood I guess. In any case, I am also borrowing them from a friend, so hopefully I'll get to those this year.
I was planning on finishing Northanger Abbey yesterday, but I ended up having to work, and there were too many other things to do. So I'll get to it this afternoon. I also started a book by Donald Miller called "Through Painted Deserts." I've only read one chapter, but love it so far. I think I'll just read it real slowly though, in between whatever else.
Mel loaned my Mansfield Park before I found out that Becky had the collection, but no biggie. I haven't decided if I am going to read it next or take a break from Jane Austen and read something else in between. *shrug*
So, I guess I just have books on the brain today. That and napping. I feel a serious nap coming on. ;)


Joe said...

I did like "Blue Like Jazz", but for some reason I'm not rushing out to get his next (or earlier) book. Hmm. Someday, smalls, someday.

Have you read The Time Traveler's Wife? I can't remember.

Amanda said...

It's hilarious that you should ask, becuase I just picked it up. I started reading it, and became convinced that I have read it before, but I can't remember what happens, so I might just finish it anyway!!!