Monday, February 19, 2007

All Over the Place

First, let me just say that I am feeling the pressure from Jill and Lara, who update much more frequently than I do, to actually blog today. How do you people run across my blog anyway??
In any case....
I am feeling a bit stressed out about the move and everything that goes along with it. I have some great friends here who have been helping me out tremendously, so hopefully when I get back from Charlotte, and start tossing things in boxes, that feeling of support will carry me through the stress.

On...Thursday? Yeah, Thursday. My memory failed me for a minute there. On Thursday I talked to Starbucks HR to find out how to go about working for the company overseas...specifically in the UK. Of course, whoever I talked to couldn't help me, and instead gave me the number for the Resource Manager in my area, who in fact, has not called me back yet. Grrr.
Wouldn't that be a great experience? Working overseas for six months or something? Plus, bonus, much closer to Amsterdam. =)

Work is going...rather well actually. One of my ASM's think I am a rock star, my manager loves me, and all of these make it incredibly easy to serve them in whatever way possible. Although our store has its issues, I love our partners, and I really want to see things flow more smoothly. I am trying to devise ways of making that happen. I don't want to get transferred though, as long as I am in the states, and inevitably, with a promotion, comes a transfer. So, I am crossing my fingers that if things work out for me to go overseas, I can at least stay at my store until that time. After that, well, we shall see. I never thought I wanted to go into management, but I have a lot more confidence in that regard than I used to, and it really does help when you see the areas that you could make positive changes, if only it was up to you. Time will tell, but it is definitely a more distinct possibility than it was before.

I make friends with the most random people. I don't know what attracts me to them. I have been blessed with some incredible friends, and because of this, I like to think that I have some sort of a knack for searching out deceny in humanity. haha. When I was 19-ish, I had a couple of bad experiences, which I did not want to repeat, and I think I learned a lot from that, about who to trust, and who to keep on the back burner for awhile...let those friendships simmer....sometimes they thicken into quality. =)
Unfortunately, I can't really say that I have the same luck with men, at least as far as, men to be in relationships with. I have amazing guy friends (you know who you are), and mostly always have, but I end up falling for the wrong ones. Okay, by wrong I don't mean alcoholics, or drug dealers, or baddy bay boys, just guys that are wrong for me, and are bound to break my heart. *sigh* I can't decide if I just have bad luck, or if subconciously I am picking the wrong guys over and over so that I don't have to committ.
I have a really hard time believing that is the case, since I really want to get married and all that, but so many years of bad choices has put a tiny little question in my mind.

I won't go into my latest crush, although if I did I am sure a couple of people might be somewhat scandalized. The whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me either, and I wonder if it is just evidence of my being desperate (God I hope not!), even though I don't necessarily feel like I am. *shrug* At least I like nice guys. They might be wrong for me, but at least they aren't the malicious type to use and abuse me. They never break my heart on purpose. It's just a byproduct of not being loved the way I want. Blah blah blah.
What causes us to be attracted to certain people anyway?? Sometimes it makes absolutely no sense.
Anyway, I have a treasure trove of friends that make life wonderful, and so incredibly worth living. =)

Speaking of, I am leaving early Weds. morning to fly to North Carolina. I'll be there with my friends for six days, and we'll be visiting another friend in Asheville. I think that is close to Jill?? *waves to Jill* So, everyone, I do not know if I will be updating again in the next week. Two days after I get home, I am moving into a new apartment. I am not entirely sure what is going to happen with my internet as of yet. I desperately need to buy a new laptop, but just cannot do that at the moment. So, I am letting you know that my posts might be fewer and further between. I hope that this is not the case, but it might have to be. So, if I am in and out a little bit less, don't forget about me!!! I'm still out here!!!! =)

Currently Reading: A Long Way Gone/Ishmael Beah


Lara said...

no, no, no - no pressure from me. it took me many months to start updating this regularly, and i mostly only did it because i was dealing with severe depression and needed an outlet. and don't worry that i would forget about you, because i have you on my bloglines, and it tells me when you update. so i'll still be around. :)

Domestic Slackstress said...

Since you asked how "you people" run into your blog "anyway" ... I found you over at lara's. I update my blog every two or three days when I can. I wish I had some intelligent commentary to offer here but it's late and I'm fading.

Big Sis said...

ASHEVILLE!!! That's MY turf! I was thinking of popping over there this weekend, maybe by some weirdo coincidence we'll bump into each other - but never know it (grrr at you if you trip me).

I've only recently gotten fairly-regular with my posting. I think it's the peer "pressure" thing - it's easier to do when other folk are updating theirs, as well. You can kind of see my week's ebb and flow by what days and times I post (usually it's Wednesday before I realize the week's begun again).