Thursday, February 15, 2007

Grrrr at Valentine's Day!

Okay, Okay, I don't like it. I confess.
First of all, I really don't enjoy pink all that much. Pale pink is nice on little girls, and flowers, and that is about all the good things I can say about pink.

Normally, I don't consider myself a bitter single person, and I tell myself that it's more about the things that usually go *wrong* on Valentine's Day, and less about the fact that I am a big outsider in all the gushy love stuff.
Okay, YES, if you must know, things that have gone wrong on past Valentines have had to do with relationships, or crush's or whatever, but that was a long time ago! Other obnoxious things have also happened on this day to aggrevate me.
I know that today is the 15th, and not the 14th, but I blame yesterday for starting the downward spiral. I was sooo frustrated, because I had these books shipped to my friend, from, and realised that I had forgotten to include the Apt. #. Duh. So, I tried changing it, but it was too late, and since then I have also talked to UPS, who told me to call back tomorrow. Grr. Thus began my frustration.
Today I went to check the balance on my cell phone. Some time ago I asked my sister if she wouldn't please help me out with the phone bill for the next couple of months, as I am moving on the 28th, and can't really afford to pay it at the moment. Not only has she not paid anything yet, but I also got the next one, showing me that I had totally gone over on my minutes, thereby making my next bill over 300$. Normally, I would be frustrated but I would just pay it. Right now, I am more than frustrated, as I cannot possibly pay for it at the moment, and can only hope to get it all paid by the skin of my teeth before the end of March.
This is along with buying groceries, to stock an empty kitchen, and all the things that go with moving into a new apartment. I am no longer excited about it.

So back to Valentine's Day... This friend of mine at work got a dozen, lovely, pale pink roses from her boyfriend. I have to admit, that when they got there, all I could think was..."Ugh," as I felt this sinking feeling in my stomache.
Our ASM started to make obnoxious comments about V-Day, at which time I informed her that; "As the token single person here today, I reserve the right to make the bitter Valentines comments, alright?"

Today, I am just glad that it's over. No more pink spilling over everything, no more tiny candy hearts, no more gushy love stuff peeking out at me from every corner. No more reminders that in 30 years, despite my charm (:p), noone has liked me enough to take me out on Valentine's Day. (Not that I would go, since I am now against the day on principle. lol!)

Welcome to my life. =)

I console myself with the fact that despite being completely broke, having no idea how I will get my things over here from Spokane, and knowing that things are going to be incredibly tight for the next six months, probably not allowing me to save for the trip overseas that I desperately want to take, I am going to Charlotte next week to see my beloved Shawn, and certainly that ought to make up for some dissapointment. =)

So there you have it, my bitchy post for this post-Valentine's Day.

Currently Reading: Throne of Jade/Naomi Novik


Lara said...

i am content to "grrr" alongside you at this stupid, stupid holiday.

ever since i first got to my university, all i have wanted for valentine's day was a valentine's serenade from the all-male doowop a cappella group. they sell serenades for v-day, and with it you get a rose and a polaroid with the group. my freshman year i had no valentine. sophomore and junior years? boyfriend, but he never bought one for me. senior year, first year post-grad, second-year post grad? boyfriend-cum-fiance, but he also never bought one, despite knowing how disappointed i was about never having gotten one from first boyfriend.

and what do i say to that? LAME. with a capital LAME.

sorry for the bitchy, ranting comment - i was just really feeling the "solidarity, sister!" power. :-P

Unknown said...

I'm with you. Go read my xanga page on 2/14. I refuse to make one stupid, man-created, non religious holiday a big deal & contribute to others' pain. I support you all the way! BTW, thanks for the comments about GA - I'll reply in a day or so...