Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Language of the Heart

It's getting late and luckily I do not have to work in the morning. I am going to sleep in and then lay around and read for as long as possible...because that sounds fabulous. =)
During high school, on some choir trip, my friends Chris and Jerry made me listen to this song called "How Did You Find Me Here." It was a beautiful song. A big favorite of theirs, I heard it mentioned on several occasions. After high school when I was missing my friends, I went hunting for the album it belonged to and that is when I really became a David Wilcox fan.
David is a folk singer, and I love his variety of music. Nice, chill, acoustic guitar.
Tonight my friend Jan was over and we were watching all these old eighties songs and early nineties songs on youtube. After she left my song fest continued and I ended up looking for David, as the only album of his I had has long since dissappeared. I miss it. A lot.
I'm not sure it is really the music I ought to be listening to, as it reminds me of my friends, and I don't need any help there this week.
I am feeling rather sad. Melancholy. Don't get me wrong, everything is fine with me. I am blessed and taken care of.
Even so, I can't help missing those friends of mine and wishing that I could see them again.
These kinds of feelings come and go. Maybe I am a bit more emotional than some people, or maybe am just realizing that there are a couple of really great people that I let wander out of my life with no resistance on my part at all. Whatever the case, I cannot help the heartache I feel, but do the best that I can despite it.

OH!!! By the way...yesterday this guy I knew from high school totally walked right into our Starbucks! I hadn't seen him in...Oh, almost ten years. We used to be kind of friends and write letters when he was in the Navy the year after high school. It was so BIZARRE especially considering the state of my emotions this week!!! I was like...NO WAY! We had a nice short chat. It was just weird. I ran into another girl last week. Not sure if I mentioned that. I don't run into people I knew back then very often, so both people were pretty unexpected. Good to see them and know that they are doing well though. I really liked seeing them both.

So I finally got around to writing my three and a half page letter. I mailed it this morning and now I just wait. I don't think I am really worried about what my friend is going to say...just how long it is going to take me to hear back from her, and how different things are now, and trying to move forward from this point on.

People are always astonished by my great memory. I am telling you though, it is a blessing and a curse. I remember some things as if they happened yesterday. Even in my heart it is as if it were only yesterday.
But it wasn't.
It feels near when it was really far far away. A long time ago. It kind of sucks. ...In case you wanted to know. hehe :p

Lara and Jill, are you on Facebook? Enquiring Amanda's want to know. :p
Goodnight all.


Big Sis said...

Nope, not a facebooker. An occasional myspacer.

Lara said...

yesh, i'm on facebook, but under my real name. if you don't know it, email me and i'll tell you. :)

Chris said...

Amanda, I'm alive. I've crawled out of my hidey hole. Contact me at

Talk to you soon