Thursday, December 13, 2007


Okay, so I have been meaning to post this entry for two days now.
I am not so used to my schedule. It's not a rough one, just different, and I have had plenty to do when I get home lately. By the time I get around to blogging I have been exhausted.
So anyway...
Joe gets the blog title this week for giving me a heads up on the Wheel of Time info. When Robert Jordan died and he didn't rush straight to email to let me know, I gave him a really hard time. hehe. :p
WAHOOO! Harriet has picked a writer for a Memory of Light, which is great news. Althouth I know nothing about this guy, noone could make a better decision than her. It won't be the same, but I know it will be as close as possible.

Possible release date of Fall 2009!!!! I am STOKED about that!! Wooo!

Thanks Joe, for the heads up.
I still check dragonmount, but who knows how many days might have gone by before I visited the site again.

Okay, this is a two part blog.
I asked you guys for blogging topics, and Lara told me that I should blog about what I would personally do if my potential employers were reading my blog.
Hard for me to imagine.

Honestly, the first thing I would probably do would be to change my blog address. lol! I realise that Lara has way too big a fan base to do that, but I don't have that problem. In fact, I could personally email everyone I know of who reads this blog, and direct them to the new place, thereby resolving the issue.
Of course, I really don't WANT to resort to moving my blog. So....hmm.
I guess it depends if I get the job. haha. If this is a job that I want and they have already read my blog...well, what can you do? What's done is done. That doesn't mean that I am feeling comfortable with my boss reading my blog and my not being able to vent about any work related issues, possibly including the fact that one of my supervisors is a snake.
So, if I get the job and keep it, I am moving my blog...or password protecting the entire thing.
If, on the other hand, I interviewed, but they hate me because of my blog or my personality (whatever), or I decide not to take the job for whatever reason...then I really don't care. Read away people!
At that point, they can't affect me professionally, and since I am most likely not going to see them again, or only coincidentally, it isn't that big of a deal.

When it comes to people in my personal sphere though...then I have a tendency to feel exposed or threatened. I like to be in control of what the people surrounding me know about me, as much as is possible. People out's a bit different. Weird huh? I am sure that I am not the only one who feels that way however.

I am thinking of some things to post in response to Jill's suggestion as well. In the meantime, keep 'em comin'!! My brain is way too fried to think up my own topics. Today in training we had about half an hour left and I was ready to get up and run around the room screaming....just to have something else to do. The material is not particularly difficult, it's just taking it all in at once and remembering it!!! Easier said than done.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Joe said...

I was aiming for rocking your socks, so I think I overshot a little.

I like Sanderson. He's not great, but he's good.