Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pathetic Am I :p

Been busy, what can I say?

Work has been overloading my brain! It's nice to have a couple of days off. Last week was also a rough week. Just the reality of being 2000 miles away from home for Christmas. Generally, even when I don't live there, I always go home for Christmas. So, I was feeling pretty emotional a couple of days, and coming up with all of these reasons to move home.
I am feeling much better now.

I think as I get older it gets harder to roam to and fro. Almost all of my friends are married now, and most have kids. Everybody is settled down and I guess I am feeling that pull to be near friends and family.
Anyway, I have probably mentioned this many times before.

For awhile now, most of the time I have been in San Antonio, I have been feeling this constant stretching feeling. Being here, though good, has also been very hard. I have definitely grown. I have felt all along though, that I was supposed to be here. I can't really explain it.
In any case, that is what keeps me here. It would be easier for me to go home and be able to work at Starbucks, which I love even when I hate it. haha!
My new job is going to be boring and tedious, but I am going to do whatever I have to do until I feel released to do the next thing.

There are some things in life that I just do not understand, and my being here is one of them!!!! haha!
It's good though. It's great being only two hours from Becky and being able to drive down and visit sometimes. We have great times.

Merry Christmas to all of you reading this. I hope your Holiday is tremendously blessed. Take time to stop and remember the reason for the season.
Much love coming your way from San Antonio!


Greg said...

Hello there. Just came by while doing some blog-surfing, thought I'd say hello. Merry Christmas from an SA local.

Lara said...

merry christmas, amanda! :)