Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Well, it sounds like Becky is getting a job in Texas. They are just calling her references and whatnot, but they hit it off really well, and I think it sounds like a sure thing. What is it about Texas that steals my friends away and makes me fly there all the time for weddings?!?! haha.

Anyway, she asked if I want to go with her. She'll live at the camp where she works, but I would be getting my own place, which is okay with me. It would be in the Austin area.
But...I am just not sure how I feel about it. It isn't that I have anything against Texas. I am all for living in a gun-totin' red state. hehe. Still, it's a long way from home, and I would miss my little sister. Part of me is like...no, no, no, I don't wanna! The other part is saying, Please Amanda, just do SOMETHING! Go! Why not?!?!
I tell myself that there isn't really any reason for me to stay here. Really it's just that I can't imagine what kind of job I can move on to here. Everything is the same. I don't live in a booming job kind of community. I can't imagine myself at my current job forever, and the prospect of job hunting again is like a nightmare.
The thing is, I need to go to school. If I move to Austin I am going to have that whole "between states" thing going on, which is not always so good as far as tuition and fees are concerned. Grr.

Anyway, I have no idea what I am going to do.

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