Friday, July 15, 2005

Where are they now?!!

Here is my list of "where are they now's." It's a pretty random list that won't mean anything to anyone else, but that is just fine with me. Aren't I doing this blog for my own entertainment? =)

Person #1) Chris Davlin. (aka Chris2, Curse or Cursy Wursy):
Where the heck are you? Chris is my friend from high school. I have this memory of him singing to me at the piano in the choir room. I also have numerous memories of walks, and talks, and coffees. Life has gone different ways for us, judging from the last time we spoke. ( I think about eight years ago, maybe seven), but I love him still, as if I were there listening to him sing.
*I memorized that poem you wrote in my 11th grade yearbook. That poem meant more to me than anything I ever read in a book.

#2 & #3) Joe Powers & Bill Yen (two guys I met on the way to Olympia)
Okay, so I didn't know them very long, but some people have a profound impact alright?! Joe was the best friend. Well, if you must, best friend with all those oogly googly feelings. =) Bill was big brother (even though we were the same age) We all got along so well. I loved those guys for that time we spent together, and I still think about them once in awhile. Fond memories. Very fond.
*Joe, I think I have a nametag that belongs to you.

#4) Deena Worden (Who I met in Amsterdam)
Deena. I miss ya. One of my fondest memories from my time in Amsterdam, is creeping down to the kitchen at 11:30 p.m. and sitting in the dark drinking tea, and usually eating popcorn, with you and Marcos. What I wouldn't give to be back there right now. I wish I could have transported that nightly occurence home with me. We didn't even hang out tons the rest of the time, but those nightly chats meant a lot to me, and I miss you two. I hope you are well.

#5) Angela Hernandez (was Pfeiffer)
Ang, I swear you have dropped off the face of the earth!!! How hard is it to drop an email once in six months?!?! How many kids do you have now anyway!?!?! =) Where ARE you?!?!
We had some good times. Whenever I see someone drinking Guinness, I think of you and Shawn. hehe. =P

Crap. I gotta go! I guess that's it for my trip down memory lane. forgot I needed to be somewhere! Arrgghhh!
Anyways friends, hope life finds you all well. Bless you.

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