Sunday, May 13, 2007

Uh Oh Spaghettio

So tonight I decided to make pasta. Last time I was at the store I bought this new kind of pasta sauce that I haven't had before. I love pasta sauce from scratch, but to be honest, I usually just want something quicker and easier. If you come over for dinner maybe I will be fancy, but not tonight for my dinner for one.
Anyway. My pasta now tastes like Spaghettio's. It's an italian sausage kind of sauce too, which makes this particularly odd.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Spaghettio's ( however horrible for you they might be) but when I want Spaghettio's, I want Spaghettio's, and when I want real pasta, I want real pasta.
I don't want real pasta that tastes like Spaghettios!

In other, and even less exciting news...
It is so nice to feel healthy and infection free. I haven't felt this lovely in quite a long time it seems. So, now the sad truth. Since I am feeling much better, I now have to come to terms with a fact I have been denying and/or ignoring for the past two weeks in my misery: One of my wisdom teeth is coming in.
I thought those little buggers would hold off awhile longer! Grr!
It's not actually painful at this point, but I can feel the pressure of it just below the gum. I thought I felt it a week or so ago, but I wrote it off because I was distracted by actual pain. I knew that the time was coming for me to have to get them all removed, but I guess I was hoping that maybe I would be a bit more on top of my financial game by then. heh.


Do you ever just think to yourself, "Good Lord! It's one thing after another!!"
That is exactly what I am thinking to myself right now. :p

Today we had a customer come in who works for Boeing. He was talking about how he has to go to Sweden for a month for work. I was asking him where else he had traveled for work, and we got to talking about Amsterdam. Man. My heart just started to burn. I wanted to weep! It's madness I tell you. I can never get over it. Crazy, crazy madness.

Well, that is all the lame Amandaness I have to mention tonight. Try to hold back your unwavering enthusiasm. :p


Unknown said...

Italian Sausage can be sweet - that would explain the icky sweet sauce. Just stick w/ Prego. Their roasted garlic sauce rivals my homemade stuff and I'm pretty darn good!

Lara said...

ugh, just thinking about spaghettios makes me feel ill... :-P

Big Sis said...

My wisdom teeth came in a bit at a time - I'd feel them for a while, and then not for several months. And some people have them just grow in and don't have to get them taken out - only if there's not enough room in your mouth for them to fit, or they have trouble getting out of your jaw/gums.

I'd say that as long as you're not in lots of pain, enjoy being infection-free and upright. :)