Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hot Dogs and Pine Trees

Last night I had a lot on my mind. It was stressing me out a little, and that annoyed me, so I decided to go for a drive and take my mind off of it...or something. =) I used to go for drives all the time. It was my way of getting away, having quiet time to think, or sometimes just because I enjoyed it.
So last night I drove up to the lodge at Mnt. Spokane. It's really not that far from home. I just drove up and drove back down. It was raining a little bit on the mountain, and it smelled so good up there. Sooo good. I love the smell of pine, and everything smells good right after it rains. Plus, I could smell wood smoke, and it reminded me of camping. I love camping.
I love sitting around the campfire until too late at night, and then getting up too early in the morning because the birds and chirping, the bugs are buzzing, and some fool morning person is making coffee, which you can smell; and finally you just can't take it anymore, and you have to get up!! Ha ha ha!!!!

I am turning 30 this year, and one of my best friends, Jeanine, who is like my surrogate big sister, is turning 40. So we decided that to celebrate, we are going to go camping this summer.
I like to catch my marshmallows on fire...and everyone that does that knows exactly what I mean. =) In fact, I like to blacken hot dogs as well. Maybe I'm just a pyromaniac?? =P

I've been blogging kind of a lot lately. Lots of random things. I decided to enjoy it while I can, because sometimes I just stop for no reason, and that makes me crazy. I mean, I can discipline myself to do it, but I consider it more of an enjoyment than a discipline. I do discipline myself more to write in my handwritten journal, but the blog I usually only update when I feel inspired to do so, which sometimes is a lot, and other times is not so often. Of course, when I go back and there is an entire month where I haven't written a blog at all I just Grrr and shake my head in frustration. =P
I think part of the reason I have been blogging more is because of my work schedule. I am pretty close to loving it, which I NEVER thought I would say about such an early morning shift. However, I get home pretty early in the day, and usually either noone is home, or at least the house is pretty quiet. So, I like to sit down and check my email, talk to people online, write my blog or whatever. I have quiet time to think a little. It's fabulous. It even pays for having to try to go to bed so early, which I don't always do actually. Naps are the wellspring of my life. =) It's all good though.

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