Tuesday, May 02, 2006


So I decided to start reading Candide and Zadig. It's on my lifetime reading list, and I had it just sitting there, so what the hell! I have *a lot* of books to read this week and next. So far, it is actually pretty entertaining. I really didn't know what to expect, but I thought it would be dry at the very least.

The Dean Koontz book was alright, but not as good as the other book of his that I read.

I've been making more notes lately for something that I want to write. I am desperate to write actual books one day. I really very much want to do this. It's not the writing itself that is the problem either. I can sit and write for hours and hours. I am a little afraid though, that as far as fiction, I will run out of creative ideas. Plus, I have no idea how to go about writing a book, so I am just going about it all in a very jumbled way. I'm sure everyone has their own way anyways. One day, I will master this. I have a lot of years left (hopefully!) to create a masterpiece. hehe. =)
Work is going really well, and I like it for the most part. I am looking forward to a trip to Europe in the fall, and maybe moving over to the Seattle area around the first of next year. I can solidify those plans later. It has begun to dawn on me however, that I am going to have to have some sort of goal. Right now, it's nice to look forward to going overseas again, but then what?? When I move am I going to do the same things I am doing now? There is nothing wrong with that, but I know me, and I need more purpose to my life. It helps to keep me from getting bored. No matter how much I fight against it, I know myself, and I know where my shortcomings are, and most of the things that I need to be healthy and successful. It's just hard to maintain hold of them!!! Grrrr! Could I not have been born a simpler person??
Okay, I am not sorry being me, and I take the good with the bad, but it's still frustrating!!!!! =P

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