Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I knew that this kind of thing would eventually happen, but for some reason I felt like it would be a little further into the future. I guess you can never know.

Life happens in seasons. For the most part I am a fairly social being. High school for me was a mostly social experience. I got involved in the first church I went to after graduation because my friend dragged me there. I did eventually "stick" in a church because of a little more than relationship, but let's face it, it is a largely motivating factor.
For a season now though, I haven't been doing the mega social thing. I have gotten a lot more introverted over the years. Not always, but I definitely enjoy my personal time in a way that I never used to.
Lately I spend a pretty decent amount of time on my own. I like it this way. After leaving my church I felt like I needed a time of just remembering who I was apart from all of that. Outside of leadership and whatnot.
Eventually, I will feel the pull to be back in church. God will nudge me and I will go. I will want to go.
Eventually I will feel the need to be more social and to leave my comfort zone more often, and to have more stimulating conversations.
Well, the latter, at least, is happening.
I was so frustrated today and at first I just didn't get why, until I realized that I am completely bored. Not bored as in, there is nothing to do exactly. I mean, there is always something to do. In fact, I could clean my mom's house. She would love that. hehe.
What I mean is, that I have read lots of books this year, and I have filled my brain up with things, but its not the same as actually communicating with other people.

Currently, almost all of the people that I talk to on any sort of regular basis, are in the Seattle area, Texas, or Minnesota. And God bless all of you, because you are great, and I value those communications. I believe however, that I am starting to go through actual people withdrawal.
Email conversations are great. They definitely have their place. Good thing too, or I would never hear from Shawn, Joe, Trish, or Karla. I never would have even started talking to Ryan or Nickie. Lisa, Becky and Mel I at least talk to on the phone, (and I don't even love talking on the phone) but you know...
I just want friends that I get to see in person.

Wouldn't it be nice if my nerdy friends were busting down my door over who gets to go with me to see X-Men this weekend? lol. I mean, I will probably go with Brad and Jeanine, who ARE the coolest people in the known world but still, I think you get my meaning.

I have been so content, and now it is getting all wrecked, and making me want to move sooner so that I can go to dinner with Jeni once in awhile, and reconnect with Becky & Kari, and see Mel and....Grr. I think you get the picture.
I am going to Europe in the fall though, and this is important for more than getting to see the Green shores of Ireland. I miss Shawn dreadfully. I haven't seen her in almost nine years. I miss Karla too. I want to take the opportunity to see them while I can, plus I want to get out of debt, plus I need to save money for the move. I need a little time ya know?! =P So I can't move sooner and I just need to deal with it!!!!!!!!!!! So again with the RAWR!!

Such is life.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hey baby~
Just wanted to say hi and "ahhhh" I cannot figure out my new template stuff...should have stuck with the old one I guess.
Anyway, hope all is well with you and your coffee high. I'll be coming in Aug for my papa Joe!!!