Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I am the blogging Queen

Okay, not reeeaallly. I mean, some people do blog more than me. Joe, for example, always diligently blogging his book reviews, definitely outdoes me. Still, I *do* blog more than my other friends (put together actually) and I cannot let them attempt to outdo me. So take that! Not that I really take this threat seriously (because I don't), but I am blogging anyway just because I can. =P

Work today seemed to drag on forever. I have been feeling that way a lot more of late, and I can't decide if that is because I am moving and getting antsy to be gone (which I really don't feel any other time), or because I just have no patience with my job at the moment (the more probable explanation!) hehe. A friend of mine at work moved recently, so today she gave me a bunch of boxes. Basically that just means that I have to start really packing today. I've kind of been putting it off. I'm glad though. I feel ready to get it done now. More motivated. My family (well, except for my brother) are actually camping until tomorrow, which is also nice since its quiet and I can pack without being interrupted...asked to do any of a multitude of things.

I spoke to another dental office today, which really doesn't mean anything except that they now have my resume and are looking at it, but I am crossing my fingers anyway. Though I love Starbucks, I am definitely not a lifer. =P

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