Monday, August 14, 2006

Seattle (and Flea!)

I just got home from Seattle a little over an hour ago, and I am pretty darn tired. I did a decent amount of driving today.

I drove over on Friday morning...scratch that, Friday early afternoon. Getting out of town was like a nightmare, there was so much to do. After swearing I wouldn't drive downtown at all, (fraidy cat!) I actually drove close to downtown when I went to meet Ryan near Safeco (although since there was no traffic I'm not sure it counts) and today I actually drove through downtown to go have lunch with Jeni, and managed not to take out any of a multitude of pedestrians. haha. Go me!!

Ryan and I went to Endfest at White River Ampitheatre on Saturday. It was a long day, but it was actually really fun. I confess I had my doubts about any band that names itself "Wolfmother" but those guys were very Led Zeppelinesque and I rather liked them. =) Neither one of us were completely excited about seeing the Chili Peppers, more dissappointed about NOT seeing Snow Patrol. The former actually ended up being very entertaining though, and just very very good. I think its fair to say we were both pleasantly surprised. Good times.
I was so tired going back to Melanie's that 405 seemed to stretch on forever. I was certain that I hadn't driven that far on my way to Seattle. ha! I did get there though, somewhere between 2:30 and 2:45 in the morning, and boy did I sleep good after that. =)
Today I drove down to Federal Way so that I could find the house on my own, before I went back up to Seattle and had lunch with Jeni, which was a last minute development. Now I have a little better idea where the heck I'm going!

In the bad new theory is that I have a caffeine allergy, or at least something along those lines. I'm not sure why I've never considered this before. I've been feeling worse and worse lately, which just happens to coincide with my drinking obscene amounts of coffee (I do work at Starbucks, after all). In the past, even if I wasn't drinking a lot of coffee, or soda, I *always* drink tea. In fact, I have been noticing for awhile, just been in denial, that black tea can set it off all by itself. I'm not really thrilled about the prospect of giving up coffee, and I am even less excited about not being able to drink caffeinated tea. I hate that herbal crap, but I will try to drink decaffeinated iced tea, which hopefully won't taste that horribly bad. =P Sadness.

Well, that's all the news for now. I have a date with my pillow in about five minutes since I have to work at 4:30 in the morning. Tomorrow begins the joy of packing. (Hold me back!!)


Unknown said...

Here's a comment! I'll link you now that I know where it is. :) Caffeine allergy or something worse - like heart palpitations? Ted (19:14 on my xanga page) has something like that. An allergy that is.

Amanda said...

Noooo. Ugh. No heart palpitations thank God. it just makes my throat freak out. At least, I think it does. Still not confirmed or anything, although I have been feeling better not drinking it.