Friday, August 18, 2006

Yay for Accomplishment!

I've done it! I have actually packed things!!
You know how in the middle of packing, even though you've actually gotten stuff done, you are still sitting in a pile of boxes and stuff and it just feels like a huge mess?! That is exactly where I am! At least I am in the middle though instead of still back at the beginning.

I just got the most wonderful, supportive email from Erin Rose, which I just really needed to hear at that moment. It was nice. There is definitely a time for ass kicking, but there is a time for positive reinforcement and/or support as well! I like friends with backbones who can say hard things to me when I need to hear them. I really do. I value that. These have to be relationships that are tempered with love however. I know I am way too sensitive, but I have a really hard time recieving those same admonishments from people who I don't have a solid relationship with. My really close friends, they get to speak into my life, but that doesn't mean everyone does.
In the past, I have let myself get way to bogged down with what everyone was saying, and at some point you realize that you are giving too many people, too much authority in your life. They shouldn't be allowed to dictate how you feel about yourself. Most of them even have the best of intentions, but that doesn't always mean its good for you.
My good friends who love me, who are invested in this whole two way friendship thing, they get to kick my ass, because they already love me, and I already trust them, and they know me, so they usually know if I am being completely lame. haha.
I am a bit touchy sometimes though, I confess.
I try not to be, but it's one of those things I am still dealing with. Work in progress and all that jazz. =)

I've had some not so light times in my life. I have believed some not great things about myself, and I've been feeling a lot better for awhile now, and I am trying to work against my raging insecurities and make a better life for myself, so I guess I just find it insensitive when old friends seem to be knocking that. Perhaps I overreacted to the things my friend said yesterday. Grr. I am not over it, but I suppose I'll have to think it over.

Well, that's about all I have for now. My eyes are seriously drooping, so I think it's time to have a heart to heart with my pillow. =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're a funny blogger. :) Hope you finish packing in time to actually move!