Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Reality of Moving

The title probably implies that this entry is about packing, and stress, and all the stuff that goes along with moving, but it's actually not. It's more about the fact that reality hit me today that I am moving...in like five days. I work on Saturday, but the next three days are full of dental appointments, sorting, packing, and seeing everyone I can cram in. Today I worked with several people for the last time, my usual weekday morning crew.
As I was leaving one of our assistant managers came and gave me a big hug, and another gal that I work with also came and hugged me and said goodbye. It was kind of touching actually. I almost teared up!! =P
I was talking to my manager, who is corresponding with another Starbucks on the west side where I am transferring., and she gave me some really encouraging feedback, telling me what kinds of things she shared with that other manager. It was a pretty great day over all. I came away feeling more appreciated than I had before.
Hugging people goodbye just made me realize that I am actually leaving in a matter of days.
A month ago, when I was starting to prepare for the move, I was really stressed out, but now that I am about to leave, I feel a lot more calm. Woo hoo! I'm looking forward to seeing Jeni, and helping her do whatever stuff with the house that she needs help with. Yeah!
It's been an interesting week so far, and it's only Tuesday night! There's moving stuff....God kicking my butt in a variety of ways....you know, that sort of thing.

On another note, my sisters kittens are driving me toward the edge!! Of course, they are cute and playful and generally endearing, but today they are high maintenance and keep meowing at me for no apparent reason. They also like to dig their little claws into one's leg and climb on up whenever they take the notion. Arrgghh! I hate those surprise attacks when a kitten flies at me from out of nowhere and latches itself onto my calve!!!! Rawr!

Well that's all I have to share today. Not terribly exciting, just life.

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